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quitting smoking, need substitute.


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I want to quit smoking. This stuff doesn't even get me high, all it does is cause problems.


I used to do lot of vaporized marijuana, but my parents are totally against it. If I was doing marijuana, I could stop smoking.


but I can't do that so looking for an alternative to smoking. Alcohol, e-Cig are some other choices but alcohol makes me want to smoke, and e-Cig, well I'm afraid if I stop e-Cig, I will end up smoking again.


I need a substitute, which will end this stupid habit once and for all.

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I've heard wonders about the nicotine patches, and if you find a reason to stop (health, a relationship, a financial benefit) you're a lot more likely to stop. Also find someone to help you get through it, such as someone you know who has been there and stopped smoking or who can just be someone to talk with when you have that need to smoke. Also some nicorete gum, heard that does well too.

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I want to quit smoking. This stuff doesn't even get me high, all it does is cause problems.


I used to do lot of vaporized marijuana, but my parents are totally against it. If I was doing marijuana, I could stop smoking.


but I can't do that so looking for an alternative to smoking. Alcohol, e-Cig are some other choices but alcohol makes me want to smoke, and e-Cig, well I'm afraid if I stop e-Cig, I will end up smoking again.


I need a substitute, which will end this stupid habit once and for all.


If you are serious about quitting smoking, then go to your doctors to talk to them about options that can work best for you. It may take a few times to actually quit and stay clean. I think the average is about 4 times of trying to quit to actually make it(can't remember offhand). Alcohol and e-cigs are not good "alternatives". You need to think about why you want to quit. If you don't really want to quit, then you probably won't succeed. It takes a lot of work to quit smoking, so you need to be sure you want to do this.

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  • 3 months later...

first of all, don't think of using a substitute for smoking.. if so then as you said you end up either as a addictive in one of those alternative or again come back to smoking... So it is better to quit smoking with out using any alternative..

take some foods which support you to quit smoking.

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Don't use a substitute... just quit. When I was quitting I was thinking the same thing. Then I realized why do I want to give up one addiction for another? I quit smoking and didn't start chewing gum, smoking e-cigs, using the path, eating chocolate... I just quit smoking. Feels great!

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