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Well, looks like there may be light at the end of the tunnel

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I posted my problem yesterday about missing my ex gf because it was her birthday yesterday and how I went back to her and cried my heart out and all of that stuff...


well things between us are still as they are but today I sat down with and had a long good conversation with a close friend of mine, one who has been there for the both of us from when things began to blossom to when they eventually died and even thereafter...


My friend has made me realize that if I think about it slowly and carefully, that I am actually a lot better without her in my life and he was able to make me realize that just now. I all of a sudden feel a lot better about the whole situation and just wanted to say that for what has happened to me, I wish that many of you can have someone, aside from whoever is on this forum, that is a personal friend who you can talk to about all of this. Maybe that will be better...it's just that it was bottled up inside of me for so long and finally I was able to talk to someone about it and it actually made things better.


Once I think about it, it's actually silly rather than sad and for that I'm happy about because now I feel like I can start a new beginning. I wish everyone else well and although a part of me will still miss her, I accept the fact that things happened the way they did for our personal growth. We both learned a lot from all of this and for that, I would not trade it up for anything in the world, even though it ended up hurting me a lot and for so long.


I guess this is the beginning of something good and I am beginning to get back to my old self again Just thought I'd share with you all that there is hope afterall. Thanks to all those who helped.

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