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Broke NC....but i really did have to.....seriously.....

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After 3 weeks of NC, today had to be the day.

You know there's gonna be that one day you are gonna have to talk to your ex again....






I'm buying a new car this week, and need a down paymnt. so i liquidated some stoks i own, and the company i used to work for has my old address, (the EX's) we used to live together for 1yr. dated for 2, moved out 2 months ago.


By the time the check gets printed and sent the computert won't register my new address in time. Believe me I tried to change the address.

So I had to call to let him know to expect the check, and to please forward to me and THAT"S IT!!


I was very nice, sounded happy but relaxed, and secure, and of course he asked how I was doing, my brother, mother, sister, etc...


and then he started to flirt with me majorly! saying how happy he was to hear my voice, and that I just made his day so much better, (you know the Romeo crap ) and we have mutual friends who are having a baby shower this weekend, they were introduced by us 4 years ago and now are having a baby, (she's my best friend, and he's his really good friend) so I HAVE TO GO, i'm hosting it, and my ex IS GOING! so he said that it was gonna be really nice to see me this Saturday, and that he's been wanting to see me.....

He's always been a very sexual person, so I know what he is thinking.

and i'm not gonna lie, I'm thinking the same thing, even on the phone there was such strong chemistry, and he sounded happy to hear from me, we laughed a few, and I know when he gets excited he tempts to talk a lot, we talked for about 20 minutes, catching up with our lives.

at the end he threw me a kiss.....


I'm not gonna lie, i'm seeing stars, but i'm more well gorunded that 3 weeks ago, i don't wanna get too happy about it, because he is one of those "bad guys" and so he just might be wanting some booty.

but I know there are some feelings attached......are there?


I've been trying to move on, I've met a "nice guy" and although I'm not ready for a relationship with him, I 'm starting to have feelings for him, BUT i'm madly in love with my ex. and today it just feels stronger.....


to give you some background, he broke up with me, we were arguing too much, and it wasn't getting better. so I moved out, and he knew that I wanted to keep triyng to work things out, but he said he thought it was never gonna change.

and I know he was seeing some girl these past couple of months, I know for sure he already slept with her, and he did admit to me he had met this girl, but never admitted he slept with her.....but that's just obvious. I found her toothbrush and lipstick in his house.

that was 3 weeks ago.

this background changes everything right???

can you guys give me some opinions??

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In my opinion, you don't need to fix something if it ain't broken. If this little episode is just going to be fun for the both of you, I'd say why not do it? It's not like he cheated on you or anything, you just decided to break up because you agreed to disagree.


You should always live life like there's no tomorrow, and if there was no tomorrow, would you want to spend time with your ex?

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well, I don't want it to be just sex, I'm really attracted to him, I think it goes both ways, but he's stubborn, and so am I, and I think is more of an ego thing on his side on the-get-back together issue, because from our talk today I felt that there was still love comimng both ways, but I don't want to rush into anything. I want it to be just right.

I'm still not 100% ready to let him go.

I don't wanna make that mistake of having sex with the ex...

know what I mean/ I already went thru it these past two months.....

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