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depressing untitled poem

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a noose around my throat

and a razor in my hand

sorrow in my eyes

you have no right to make demands


im gonna die

but it will be my choice

i have no razor to scream with

these morbid words have become my voice


the regret ive always felt

from they day i was forced to be born

survived an abortion

to pray my death wont be mourned


i wish to leave this world

and i want no pity

no false love or fake compassion

i want to choose my death, one of dignity


to die from a tree with bleeding wrists

a broken neck and overdosed in my viens

the pain in my eyes sympothized by my slits

the hatred in my life, and my constant pain


and as im bleeding saying good bye

allow me to not be judged for my decision

and now i say farewell its my time to die

so my wrist gets slit with quiet precision


and as the blood hits the floor

and there is nothing left im empty

my last memory is seeing you at the door

now i lay there nothing inside limp as can be




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