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Being circumcised?

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I would like to think by the time it gets to that point the girl wants it enough to not have it be the issue.


Hopefully the girl likes you for who you are and not what your penis looks like?


I would hate to be in a situation like that, the clothes start coming off and then she sees your penis and says "I don't do that".

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thats what I am worried about, thats why i havent even like gone all the way because i am worried we are gonna get into it and they are gonna be like "whats wrong with it?"


any ideas? i thought of getting circumcised but then i researched and the men that got it older than like before puberty said you lose like 50 percent of the feeling and the head of your penis turns in a calas which thats sounds really bad,


but what is it?


try to be normal and lose feeling or be who i am and maybe get rejected?

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Honestly there are much better things to worry about.


If she is scared of your penis do you think she is worth being with?


Of course I am cut, didn't really have a choice, my parents made it for me.


I think you do lose some sensation from the constant rubbing etc when you are cut.


Concentrate more on your relationships, communication, emotions than what you look like.

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Thank you for your advice and your right i wont concentrate on what i look like but who i am because all the girls really like me (some as friends some as more) and they all open up to me because i am really flamboyant and i love to do like crazy and what some be would call gay things but i really dont care about what people think and i was thinking why dont i do the same for this? so i am going to try this and i will report back asap hehe but again thank you for the advice it was very inspiring.

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Actually tricklock, if you are worried that your lovemaking will be affected by it, don't think that for a second, darling.

I was going out with a guy from overseas. Most or alot of European men are NOT circumcised & though, yes, it did look different from American men, it really wasn't hard to get used to. When you are erect, of course, you know, they look pretty much the same (circumcised & noncircumcised)

I WILL tell you one thing though, Tricklock. It felt fantastic making love with an uncircumcised guy. That extra skin, WOW, it's great.

I think you will make your gf very happy. Just be gentle & be sure to wash up before you mess around. Good luck & happy lovemaking! 8)

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Actually tricklock, if you are worried that your lovemaking will be affected by it, don't think that for a second, darling.

I was going out with a guy from overseas. Most or alot of European men are NOT circumcised & though, yes, it did look different from American men, it really wasn't hard to get used to. When you are erect, of course, you know, they look pretty much the same (circumcised & noncircumcised)

I WILL tell you one thing though, Tricklock. It felt fantastic making love with an uncircumcised guy. That extra skin, WOW, it's great.

I think you will make your gf very happy. Just be gentle & be sure to wash up before you mess around. Good luck & happy lovemaking! 8)

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Hello Tricklock,


I really wouldn't worry about it, you are not going to be rejected because of what your penis looks like. A girl who would reject you based on what your penis is like is a girl you would not be with in the first place, she should care about you.



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I was with one guy who wasn't circumcised & I didn't even notice for the longest time! But then again, by the time I got to it, it was usually already erect & like someone else said, there's not really a difference then. I don't think it should make a difference to girls

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She wont care......





hmm, err wait..............nope, she definitaly wont care.



Dont get cut, the benifits are amazing. Its so much eaiser to jack off. No lube, no friction burns, can jack faster, its great.

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cut, uncut, doesn't bother me, except....... make sure it's cleaned probably. the ONLY complaint i have about guys with uncut penises are they usually don't wash themselve fully, which makes their genitial area smell of wee! that's the only complaint, so just make sure you wash between skin folds with soap and water.

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lol yep, I had that problem when I was younger.


It's worse than pee tho, it's more like a mixture of pee, lint, bo, and semen all mixed together.


Lol, hope I didnt gross anytone out, but you definitally have to wash your penis off at least once a day. You dont even need to use soap, just sticking it under the shower works great.


In adition to the smell, if you dont wash it theres a greater chance of getting an infection.

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Honestly, my first boyfriend/fiancee, and coincidentally the same man I lost my virginity to was uncircumsized. I've been with 3 other men after him (several years later) who were all circumsized. Honestly, I felt no difference really in the sex part, but its more or less about the man and his security of sex. If you're not circumsized, don't worry about it.. Its really not that big of a deal as you think it is.

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In America, it is true that the majority of men are circumcised, but elsewhere, especially as someone said, in Europe, men are rarely circumcised. Now I'm Jewish, and so is my boyfriend, so that settles that, and for us, it's a religious/cultural thing. But you know what? You need to love your body, and you will be OK! Everyone is beautiful if they are kind and loving and gentle people, and no physical characteristic as minor as a foreskin detracts from your uniqueness or handsomeness. My friend always thought that an uncircumcised penis would be gross, mostly from what we all hear about "smegma," (Nasty word, isn't it?), but when she started dating a German guy with an uncircumcised penis, she siad it didn't bother her at all. I think when you love someone enough to be intimate with them, any detail of their body simply becomes an endearing characteristic of their unique beauty. So embrace who you are, and don't worry! Plenty of awesome lovers, I am sure, share your uncircumcised status.

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Well put.. That never stopped me from being intimate with my fiancee, even know I know it wasn't the norm. He was born in Alaska in 1978, and I guess at the time there, they didn't circumsize males unless it was a culteral or religious thing.. I did love him very much, and you're right... it doesn't matter if it is or not. Usually men who have not been circumsized are usually very hygenic too-- they have to be.

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Eh? I'm from UK, and no-one I know has a circumcised penis. We kinda think it as being quite unnatural - which it is - I mean, since when are males supposed to cut the skin off their penises? That's horrible.


I mean, it's pretty gross to even think that parents do that to their kids - just so that don't have to be hygenic when they are older?


Hmmm - shower and wash everyday, or have a piece of my penis cut off? Oooh hard choice.


Don't worry about it man, Europe is like the sex capital of the world, and we don't care about circumcised penises. I mean, that's like cutting off your ear lobe because it just exists.


American guys who have it done need lube to wank and everything - that just shows you how wrong it is, in a way.


I'm assuming it either stays really tender and highly sensitive - or it loses its sensitivity (which I guess is true) - which sucks either way.


Shaving hair is one thing - but cutting off flesh you were born with is just freaky imo.


It's natural - history got on fine without it.

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I don't know why an uncircumsized guy should be worrying. All the circumsized guys should be complaining to their dictors and parents for cutting off their foreskin. Like honestly, you are born with it and if you are properly made aware of it then there is no reason to lop it off.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How the hell do u tell if u were circumsised or not??? and i aint asking parents lol


haha... if you have skin going over the head of your penis you aren't circumsized, if you are, then when you were born they cut off the "foreskin" which is the skin that covers the head. If you aren't circumsized, you have to clean it much more often and much more thoroughly.

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