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Everyone who's reading this SMILE for one minute - PLEASE???????

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Doesn't that feel good? Don't you think youve let your ex stop you from doing that for far too long? Don't you think you deserve to feel that warm stretchy feeling in your cheeks?


I have been working through my break up and not many people at work know that I have now been "seperated" from my husband for over a month" So Ive been trying to act normal, and something today made me SMILE really smile and it felt blimmin NICE.


I am also lucky that I work at a school full of lovely children who just bring that little bit of sunshine into my day - sorry spewily cheesy and over the top but its true!


I even made my Mum laugh by telling her that "oh well, my ex seems a lot happier as Im not nagging at him now - Ive lost my nagging rights...."


You really do have to try and smile at least once a day an it gets easier.


No, Im not on any medication by the way, just having a good positive day today.

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yeah we all have our moments ,being a dumpee doesnot mean to keep crying whole day,its kind of a blend .you smile-you cry,you hate them-you love them,you forget them-you remind them,you feel strong-you miss them " everything goes side by side until and unless you are all over them


why we keep crying for a person who doesnot deserve even a bit of it? they smile and we cry,why? so cheers guys its not all over ,dont know what life has for you in future so keep your fingers cross


believe me there is someone better for you.


likemy second ex was better then my first ex and my third and most recent ex was much much much better than both of them and now i m hoping that the next one will be most better then all of them ......but w8 who knows if they come back? so you cant predict anything ,live by everyday stop making extra long future plans ,be happy with what you have

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God....if I could figure out WHY I'm hurting so much over a woman that A) doesn't care about me anymore B) hurt me constantly for well over a year, then abandoned her kids and I....and C) doesn't care or miss me now

well then, I've solved everything. I just don't get it...I don't get why the mind...why the human body, spirit, or whatever...why it does this to us. Why can't I be happy she's gone? Why can't I find TRUE happiness now that the person who hurt me the most in my life...is now gone? The mind is our worst enemy during times like these.

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God....if I could figure out WHY I'm hurting so much over a woman that A) doesn't care about me anymore B) hurt me constantly for well over a year, then abandoned her kids and I....and C) doesn't care or miss me now

well then, I've solved everything. I just don't get it...I don't get why the mind...why the human body, spirit, or whatever...why it does this to us. Why can't I be happy she's gone? Why can't I find TRUE happiness now that the person who hurt me the most in my life...is now gone? The mind is our worst enemy during times like these.


if its true love then you cant stop loving anyone even if they hurt you like hell ,its not in your control ,if it would have been we all would not have been here finding reasons of either healing ourselves or finding a way to get our ex back even after what they did to us.many things are not in control of us


even if you keep on saying 23 hours to yourself that she was bad,i hate her blah blah still in the 24th hour you will be missing her and saying to yourself ,oh even her bad qualities i still wish she could come back once lol,its not your fault ,even if the love fades away still their are memories you both shared for long times its hard to get over them


my ex putted me in hell for 2 months after break-up still i tried to get her back ,begged her,her mom ,her aunt everyone coz my heart forced me to do so.it will take time

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I think the hardest part is relinquishing control that we never actually had in the first place. There is NOTHING WRONG WITH US. We are people who loved and lost and it's natural to grieve, it's natural to be flooded with all kinds of different emotions. It's even natural to wonder why and how and what you can do to fix it. I think the last of that is the most unhealthy thing to linger on. Because it does not matter, it really doesn't. What matters is that it happened and we must bring ourselves through the rollercoaster of emotions: the anger, the sadness, the letting go, realizing you haven't really let go, the sadness again, the anger again, repeat... until one day.... you really have let go. Even when anger and sadness rolls through it will become so trivial that as soon as you move your mind from it, you forget immediately that you even felt it.

The most important thing to do in times like this, is fight, not for our broken past relationships, but for ourselves and our future. Everytime you miss him or her, think about how long it's been since you were loved by yourself, and how much more you really miss you.

I'm currently grieving over an ex that broke up with me around this time 6 years ago after being together for 4 years. We were apart for 3 years, for 3 years we never spoke and he got engaged. Two years ago, we got back together after his fiance left him, and he broke up with me again a month ago. I'm in deep pain, but the funny thing is that I remember that I've been through this with him already, I KNOW I'LL LEARN TO LOVE ME, LOVE SOMEONE ELSE AND LIVE FOR ME AGAIN. FOR SURE. Keep that hope alive.

Please let's all just take care of ourselves for once, and like Sweety said, SMILE.

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