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Everything posted by sweety74

  1. Thanks for starting this post wishing star, what youv'e done is offer a little comfort and a little hope to people. Its nice to hear that some relationships can be repaired after time apart. Sometimes that is all that is needed and the relationship is much better and stronger when it is renewed. If ONLY we had a crystal ball when our relationships broke up, and could see that sometime in the future we would be back in the arms of our partner. It would make the break up so much easier dont you think?? I'm not trying to be sarcastic or nasty with that comment, its just a thought I had. I think everyone needs to be prepared for the fact that their partner may not return to them, and not sit around at home hoping for a reconciliation, I think we still need to get on with our lives and concentrate on ourselves, and who knows what might happen in the future? But thanks for your stories - amazing that some people have reconnected after years of being apart. I think its like they say, some people are just meant to be together!
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