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Just some quick tips for kissing on the neck

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Hello all, Zid here again...


My g/f and I haven't seen eachother for about 2 months, because she made some bad choices in the past (but we HAVE kept in touch and obviously are still together...)


We are going to see a movie here tonight or tomorrow, and I have never done more than kissed her on the lips...And I would like to impress her and take things a bit further the next time we see eachother.


So please, could you all help me out and tell me some tips on how to kiss a girl on the neck?


p.s - I have been searching for some time for tips like kissing on the neck and haven't found any, so help would be great!!!!





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Well, there are a few things you can do. Both the ears and neck can be very sensitive. The are that would run in a line from her ears down to the bottom center of her neck is a good place to target. When you do it, mostly your are french kissing them. Place you lips over the area, open your mouth, touch her neck with your lips and tongue and lick gently. After you do it that, try breathing on it very gently and she how she responds. You need to gauge what works and how well ti works by her response.


Finally, you can also give someone a hickey by sucking hard on one area for a short while, but I'd wait for that.

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Ill try to help out. I did a slow kiss / peck motion in a line from her ear towards her brestbone. No I wasn't down her shirt lol, but I was close to the front of her neck.


You know how you eat a popsicle? well look, er feel, how your lips go. I just kinda follows along and tapers at the end. you don't really suck too much. well do that exact same kind of lip action but on her neck. Sort of a part hickey, part kissing, part peck. My ex ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. It made me so horny seeing her smile ear to ear with a bit of a orgasmic O shape in her lips. her breathing deepened. eyes closed. dam it was steamy.


also try sucking on an ice cube also before / during

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lol thats worked


I've only kissed once, and that was on the lips.. that was ages ago though.. I havent got any experience whatsoever so more advice is appreciated.. maybe if the girls give their view of a sexy-feeling kiss [on the neck or somewhere close].. I know all girls are different, but when it comes to kissing, most girls are the same..


So girls.. advice for Zidane here!

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I found this on someone's livejournal and it seemed like pretty good advice:


1. FIRST AND FOREMOST the quickest ways too turn a good kiss into a bad one is by being sloppy, so keep it clean and swallow your spit before you go in for the kill. B/c nobody likes to have to wipe your drool off their face.


2. Start off slow, you can't just jump into ramming your tongue down their throat, you gotta work your way up to it with some soft kissing and basic pure and simple lip action.


3. Variety is the spice of life, switch it up and pull out an interesting move every once and a while. If you don't you'll get bored real fast, especially if you're trying to keep kissin it up with the open mouthness the whole time that get really boring REALLY fast if you don't pull back every once and a while for some pure and simple lip action.


4. UTILIZE YOUR HANDS (in an APPROPRIATE manner) but play with her hair or hold her face in your hands. You've gotta utilize every aspect of the kiss.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey. well first let me say as a girl, when im making out with my bf, the best sensation is when he kisses my neck. like kinda stop kissing ME for a second and look into my eyes and then move down towards my neck, the side, and it feels good when he sorta sucks on my neck. and move around with kisses. the neck is the best. and if you're standing, you know our curve, put your hands in the curve area and move your hands up and down or just a gentle massage almost, totallllly turns me on!

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Cheers goddess23! I'm creating an image right now, but not sure who with


So that really turns you on? I'd love to see other girls enter this forum and read it.. see if they agree! I'm sure they do.. i've seen lots of girls mention about kissing the neck, and what the male should do with hand movements.. Very good! Never tried it though its been a while..


So yes thanks goddess23! Hope to hear from you again!

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Hey Tombo,


I agree, kissing on the neck is a definite turn-on! But don't think about it too much, just do it. I wouldn't think it's too scary & you get used to it after a while. =) My boyfriend sometimes does a trail of kisses on me..he starts on the forehead and then kisses me on the cheek and neck, and then moves down to my stomach..he then kisses me on the bellybutton, and moves up to my chestbone & more When you get more comfortable with her you can do this too (i.e. kiss her on her bellybutton/stomach.) I really like that personally, it's a bit more suggestive, but only do what you're comfortable with. My boyfriend just started off with the neck as well, until we were dating for a little while longer. But it's completely up to you..just get a feel for the mood, if she really likes the neck (which I'm sure she will! I'm pretty sure all girls do, so you don't really need to do a poll on this then it's up to you if you want to do anything else. Or you can add variety - kiss her on the neck and then move to her mouth and then on her forehead..


hope that helped.. and don't think about it too much, just do it. I'm pretty sure most, if not all girls enjoy being kissed on the neck, or other places. =)

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definitely while laying down for me! I love it! kisses on the stomach are the best and turn me on so bad I just want to jump my guys bones right that very second! As for the neck though, the ear lobe and just under it is a great place to kiss softly too! I like when guys rub their hands through my hair or kind of cradle my face with them.

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Thanks JoJo* I've never had this much advice for ages, and now lots of people are giving it all! Thanks everyone.. As this topic is about kissing and giving advice, I feel the girls need to be more involved in putting their say.. boys can also tell us about their gfs and how they get turned on.. It would be a great help, and also to keep this topic going!

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I'm going on holiday and I might see someone.. well i'm just thinking [you never know] I might see someone on holiday.. by chance.. but also to keep this topic going, as this is relevant and helpful in my life right now..


I do not want to go really far in the kissing.. maybe like a 'first kiss' do i need to do it slowly? should I move my hand through the hair or rub her neck? Please tell me soon, as I'm going on holiday next week..


Thanks everyone again! Post post post!

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well what iv been doing with my girlfriend is iv been doing a line of kisses from right behind her ear down to her breast bone and then just mix it up form there. and the way i kiss her neck is that i start with my lips slightly parted and do a soft kiss while closing my lips so it creates a bit of suction along with it.

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  • 1 month later...

thx for that advice quazit.. unfortunately, i didn't see anyone on holiday oh well..


Kissing on the neck is very important to turn someone on, i've heard. Lips is a good starter, isn't it? I wouldn't know where to start.. Where do most people start when it comes to kissing? Just an interesting point because depending where you start means to where you're going to go next..


I've also gathered fom recent posts that lying down is more horny [obviously while kissing] and that there are plenty more places to place your lips


Feel free to reply Happy posting!

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Best place to start is certainly the lips, and then you can move elsewhere from there...Lots of girls like different things, so watch her reactions...Maybe run your fingers through her hair a little bit while you kiss her, then move slowly to her ear, perhaps nibble GENTLY, then move to her neck, from there you can go to her collarbone, and then if she's willing, you can move south from there



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