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i have a friend..

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ok,sorry if my post isnt clear..to keep it simple,i am annoyed with a close friend because she "stole" the love-one of another friend of mine.. i think im finding it hard to be in good terms with her knowing that she's the reason why my other friend is suffering right now. should i avoid her?

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Ok, maybe you arent being very clear...or Sprkal is just having a dumb day - to my understanding your friend used to be closest to you, and now she is supposedly closer to another person - who has now been ditched as well? I'm not really sure what you are asking, but I'll have a go as I've experienced stuff like this in the past.


Girls (I would imagine were talking about a group of girls) like this are everywhere, and you have to just deal with them as you go along. Becoming a 'third party' is always so hard - theres feelings of jealousy and sadness and rejection... and now this other girl (who, as far as I can gather, was your replacement) has been rejected as well.


Maybe you and this other girl can become better friends because of this? Maybe offer your sympathy, and a shoulder to lean on to this other girl.


You are talking about a 'relationship' - I would imagine you mean the friendship relationship that this other girl has between your former close friend. Why should you be happy for her exactly? Sorry some of your post is a bit hard to understand thats all.


The best way to deal with people who are destroying friendships, and making you feel unhappy or left out is to move on. Get away from them and find a new 'close' friend. It is possible. And I'm sure that there is a better girlfriend out there for you than this girl, who obviously doesnt treat people all that well.



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I may be intrepretting this wrong to and like you said it is a little hard to understand but I will try. I see it as this person you are having trouble with has stole someone else's true love (boyfriend/ Girlfriend) or whatever the case is. I feel that if this is the case maybe the frind that is suffering needs you the most and needs to be told that if he/she left for another that it wasn't meant to be in the first place and probally would of ended up hurting her worse. Well that is just my ideals and don't even know if I'm right but hope it helps.

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