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can you really be JUST FRIENDS?


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after a long relationship? If that's even possible, why would someone want that?

Just wondering.

Personally, I'd feel like I would like that, maybe because I truly care for the person deeply but no longer in a romantic way and just want to be there for them when they have no one else. It's love, just a different kind of love.. a more nurturing type rather than a romantic one, does that make sense?

Then again, I can imagine the all possible problems that sort of friendship could bring.

Anyone ever been through that?

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i have it with an ex from nearly 10 years ago. i was the dumper and he was very hurt by the break up. he couldn't talk to me for a long time. but we had a mutual friend and eventually we met up again and he was over it and we were able to be friends-genuinely. and its really nice, exactly like you said, its love but a different kind, more nurturing. my last bf was very understanding of our friendship. i'm always careful though to watch my boundaries. i'm grateful that he was strong enough to put the hurt behind him and i know he now considers me to be a close friend. but make no mistake...... the fact that we were bf and gf and intimate DOES change the nature of the friendship.

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I don't think so. I could NEVER be friends with my ex who just dumped me. I am on good terms with an ex from 25 years ago, and we talk on the phone, but he still wants to have sex with me. He came to visit once, and jumped in my bed with me. I kind of like him too, but could never be with him, since he struggles with cocaine. My kids dad and I broke up 19 years ago. I went to see him this spring after not talking to him for 6 years. The vibes were still there, and also unresolved issues. He asked my 21 year old daughter before i got there, if she thought I would ever go back with him. Another ex from about 25 years ago. We found each other on facebook, no hard feelings. He is married, and the second email he is propositioning me to have an affair behind his wife's back, because he remembers we had quite a connection. I think once there is sex and romance, the chemistry never fully goes away. All of these were significant relationships, where I lived with the person and was quite involved. Not just casual dating.

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