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Well, I guess I never learn

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I was the fool who was on here about a week ago, to say he was completely over his ex-girlfriend. I guess I couldn't be more wrong... basically, I had found out from a friend that she had gotten into a car accident. I was concerned, so I gave her a call, we talked for a bit and that was it. Then the next day, she starts asking me to hang out. This confused me, but whatever. I went to see her the other day and had a pretty fun time, but I still kept thinking about getting back together. Apparently, she sensed this and said I still wasn't over her. Then today, on facebook we had our final conversation. She said she doesn't want to be friends, and apparently this time she means it. She says she never wants to see me again, never wants to talk again and wants nothing to do with me.


Well, needless to say Ive been hurt big time, although not quite as big as I thought. I'm obviously devastated but this is about the third time Ive gone through this, so it's a little easier. I just wish I could stop myself before I do these stupid things. Im sick of reaching out to people and getting shot down. Why cant I leave well enough alone?

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I know how this feels. I was "dumped" like this repeatedly by my last ex. It seemed like every time I let my guard down the tiniest bit I woult end up being torn to pieces ... but I kept doing it! Argh, looking back I can't believe I let that happen so many times.


Eventually, I was kicked one too many times, and I snapped out of it. I just didn't care anymore. I can't say that it was the best feeling ever ... but it was certainly a step up from the way I felt previously. Would it be wrong of me to hope that you will be kicked one too many times? Lol, at any rate, I hope you find your peace sooner rather than later.

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Sometimes people have to learn the hard way. And some people almost always have to learn the hard (or hardest way possible). My oldest son is like that, but man, once he learns it, he neevr goes back to that particular mistake again. I've learned to give him space and let him work through it in the way that works for him. Maybe you need the same thing? The next time you are tempted to talk with her, or think you are completely over it, you'll remember these times and how much they hurt. Its just not worth the risk.


Honestly, we are not over it until we don't care one way or the other about them, what they are doing, what they are saying, nothing. It just doesn't matter anymore. That's when you know you are done for good. I am looking forward to that day in my life!

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I am looking forward to that day in my life!

Oh God! Me too...! Pleeeease! lol.... Hi Heels (waving)*

Why cant I leave well enough alone?

My sister gave up cigarettes for 3 years before she went back...


Smoking is very addictive....Love is even worse.....


But I guess you've at least got your closure now....


Dont take it too much to heart though. People will say stuff in the moment like 'Never speak to me again' only to come sniffing around months/years later.


A friend of mine said today that he had an ex come to him and apologize for the BU after 29 years! They didnt get back together but sheesh!


Anyway, stay strong.

Ever Forward

K2* 8)

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Lol thanks. Part of me is okay with it, just kinda angry that she didn't even leave the door open for being friends, when I could handle it. I am friends with a couple of my exes, so I know it can be done, and I thought she was more understanding than that, but I guess I was wrong. To be fair, I did throw a lot at her and there was really nothing she could do... but still, she was harsh, and unfortunately I don't think it was just something you say in the "heat of the moment" because she's incredibly stubborn. Even if 5 years go by and I just call to say hi, she'd ignore me. She's honestly done, but hey, it's her option. I'm just gonna try to focus on me.

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Yeah, you don't want that garbage treatment any way. 5 years from now you'll be a bad ass no matter what you're you're doing and you'll wonder why you let an immature girl get to you so bad. You're now able to pick out what you like and don't like about people. Thats the silver lining now its your choice again. Hopefully I'm getting closer to choosing better myself. ;-) Have a good night my friend.

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Hey thanks, you too.


Youve been one of my many supporters on this site that Im proud to have. I hope you're closing to resolving your situation as well. This healing process has been eased by the kind words and support of everyone on here, and I appreciate you all more than you know. I'm here as well for anyone who needs support during what can be a very difficult time.

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