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Dont have a clue what to do

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Hello, I think I have the worst luck in the world, everytime I find a girl I like I get turned down. I dont know, maybe I'm just going for the wrong ones. But the latest one was by far the worst. She knew I liked her alot, we went out to eat a few times as well, were were always hanging out. Later down the line our friendship was bad, turned into alot of fighting with each other, then the summer came. She stopped coming around, stopped talking to me, claiming I've been stalking her and a bunch of other crap, I really never wanted this to happen, I like her too much. Then she says she doesn't want to be friends anymore, so we got into a big long fight which went on for days, until it came to our last words, I told her I didn't want anymore and that I couldn't handle anymore of the fights between us, and I said I think it's best if we just go our separate ways. She said fine and agreed. However later today I found out she has a b/f well thats what she told me. I dont know what to do, I really like her and miss being with her. I miss all the fun times we've spent together and I never wanted them to just end like this. I thought something good would end up happening at the end. Is it something I did wrong? I feel responsible for this entire thing, now I have nothing left, although the memories of me and her will never leave me, they will always be with me. I just miss her too much, . We were friends for almost a year, started just talking over the internet and then it went to in person, now we said our last words in e-mail and thats sad.

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That sucks! I think the best thing for you to do is to just get over her. You will meet someone new who will blow you away. Chances are it is going to take time to heal from this (trust me!) but just keep busy and try to get involved in something to take your mind off of the whole thing. It's hard, but things will get better and you will meet someone new who won't mess around with your emotions. Good luck and I hope I was of some help!

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Hi Eagle,


I am very sorry to hear that every girl you ask out turns you down. The problem here is that we don't have enough information about you to help you determine where the problem comes from.


I agree with the post above that you should forget the girl you mentioned.


Take care!

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Without getting more information I can only wager this....


If you keep having this problem, theres a good chance that you keep asking out the same kind of person. And that your attracted to the kind of person who is going to reject you. As weird as it sounds, its the safest way.


This kind of thing usually happens in reverse, with women being attracted to abusive, or harmful men. But it can happen with guys too.


You can either work through it by getting professional help, or you can force yourself to change by asking out people who arnt attracted too.


Find a normal girl, who you wouldnt mind being friends with and ask her out. Then force yourself to start thinking about her romantically, and eventually you will rewire yourself.

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