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Inspiration for healing and beginning to pick up the pieces

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I wanted to start a thread where people could post up ideas and inpsirational things they have read or seen which helped them in the early stages of a break up.


I'm still hurting and freshly broken up with, but I wanted to share some of the things that have helped me get out of that initial crushed feeling, where EVERYTHING feels crap, and the thought of doing anything just feels impossible...



1. I realised that, for now at least, I have to be a bit selfish. I deleted my ex from facebook, so I have no way of 'checking up' on what she's doing. Phew, that's one thing not to fret over.


2. On a friends recommendation, I wrote down 50 things that I like about myself and my personality. It took a while and I felt a bit silly, but it is possible and will make you feel good about yourself.


3. I started going running. Was never into it before but it is really helping. I picked a route, made a playlist of suitably banging tunes, and time myself each time. Keeping a log of routes and times. This gives the running focus and gives you something to beat to better yourself, and to feel good about when you do. I always feel cheered up and energised after going for a run.


4. Listening to the Baz Luhrmann version of the song "Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)" - taken from an essay entitled "Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young" written by Mary Schmich.

I listen to this a lot, as the advice is good and helps put things into perspective.


5. Watched the film (500 days) of Summer. I found a lot to relate to in this film, and it IMO is pretty accurate in its portrayal of the early joys of a relationship and the break up. I thought I was gonna find it unbearable but it was an inspiration to see the guy go through the break up and come out on top. It makes it clear from the start that it's not a love story, but a story about a person finding happiness.





So, there's five things that have helped me, and I hope they may help you... With other people adding their own sources of inspiration/healing I hope this can become a helpful source for people who, like me, are finding their situation a struggle : )

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Music music music haha! Always helped me through heartbreaks. Also I have to really sit down and be honest with myself. If it didn't work out it was for a reason and that there is someone else out there for me. Believe it or not it is super hard to be honest with yourself!


Also a journal of when ever your feeling bad helped me out!

Also changing my routine! I started taking showers in the MORNING instead of at night, shaved my left leg before my right (silly I know but every little thing helps!), started keeping my room cleaner, and started taking more care to my personal appearance.

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