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I think I've changed......alot

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I have been dating my boyfriend for 7 months now. I know for a fact that I have changed alot since before dating him. I used to be extremely prude, so much in fact my friends gave me the nickname "Prudy McPrudington"


Anyway, with my boyfriend I have completely changed into the exact opposite of a prude. This is my first boyfriend ever. I havent had sex yet, but I've done pretty much everything else. (making out, hand jobs, blow jobs, been fingered, oral, etc...)


Also, I use to hang out with my friends alot, but now that I am dating him I would rather spend the entire day with him than my friends. I don't want them to think I'm bailing out on them or anything, I would just rather be with my boyfriend.


Is this abnormal? I have finally found something that feels so real and I love that feeling. I don't completely ignore my friends or anything, we just dont chill like we use to.


I love my boyfriend, but I'm not obsessive or possessive towards him, I just love his company and the part of me that he brings out. It seems like my friends were always critisizing me about little things, but my boyfriend always makes me feel good about myself.


Has anyone else ever felt this way? I know this relationship is going to last a very long time, and i love it. I love being loved and loving someone. Its amazing. I really believe you know it when you find "the one" and I know for a fact he is it. He's 3 years older than I am.


I just want your input. Please dont tell me that "its not going to work" or that "you're too young to be thinking about marriage" My mom got proposed to my dad when she was only 17 and my dad was 34. They got married when my mom was 18, and they have been together ever since.


I just believe when you found that special someone you just know it.


The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

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The one piece of advice I have is to not abandon your friends for this guy. You might think he's the one for you, but it's far from a sure thing. I'm not trying to be a downer or anything, but you'll regret it when he leaves you and you've cut off all your friends. Even if they're good friends, they probably won't just take you back. Trust me, I know this from experience.


I have a friend who's on that path. I asked her out, she rejected me and she lied to me about her reasons. She started dating another guy a week later and has started fighting with her friends because she's neglecting them and spending all her time with him. She barely talks to me and we used to be my best friends. We hang out a little, but not like we used to. We haven't fought yet, but trust me, it pisses people off when you all of a sudden just want to hang out with your boyfriend. Certainly you can spend time with him, but don't neglect your friends. They're the ones that'll be there for you when you need them.

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i was in your friends' place... when my friend got a boyfriend and soon became very serious, me and my friends saw very little of her.. it didnt affect us, because there was still a number of us who were there for each other... however, she lost us... we werent as close as we were before, and whenever she had problems with her boyfriend she found it hard to come and talk to us about them...after they broke up, it took alot of time for us to trust her again not to leave us for the next boy she see's..

am not saying that you two will ever break up, but even if you don't you will still need your friends... my boyfriend says that when he ever needs to choose between me and his friends, he would choose them.. and he has stood me up a number of times if his friends needed him..and i respect that because i would do the same... boyfriends may come and go but friends stay for life, so try to make the best of it..

why dont you talk to them, tell them about how you're feeling, and how you have realised that you are more distant now.. i'm sure they will understand...but realise you have t make the first move, because they may have gotten used to you not being around us much, but they didnt feel comfortable talking to you about it..

keep both your friends and your boyfriend...things could be as good as you want them to be if you try..

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