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BIG!!!! problem i have come upon!!!

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OK well hi im almost 15 and my bestfriend lives down the street from me and i've always had a crush on her and she kinda has to but never really showed it because we were always around people. OK, but the thing is las night my friend came up witrh an idea because i have waited 3 months for her to go out bc she didnt want to e hurt again like in her previous relationship. well anyays my friends idea was that i would go and pretend that my 1st cousin was my girlfriend (but not anything weird by that) jus to make her jealous which she was. Then all she said was u shoulda told me and WE CANT BE FRIENDS ANYMORE CUZ U MISTRUSTED ME and then i had to tell her the whole story so shed calm down. Then after that i begged her to think about being friends again and she doesnt want to look at me unless she has to. And i am clueless on what to do because i want my best friend back. She said it would take time for her to become friends agian bc i got ridof 5 years of trust and i need input on how to be friedns agian in the shortest amount of time any quotes or personal opinions would be appreciated...

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Dear ndkid:


Just give her a little time. Try to put yourself her her shoes for a moment. She's mad because she feels betrayed but if you two are really good friends she'll get over this.


Everyone does crazy, silly things when they really like someone. I think in time she'll see this.


I hope my words helped and best of luck to you.


Peace and blessings to you,


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I don't really understand how you've betrayed her trust. You faked having a girl friend to make her jelous, that is not breaking her trust in you. She has obviously been leading you on somewhat and when she saw you with your cousin she probably got scared and really jelous that you were taken.


She'll calm down and thing will be fine, she has to remember that she doesn't own you.

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