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Is my cutting getting bad?

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Hey every1. i was just wondering if some1 could give me some advice on my cutting. i am 14 and i have been cutting for about six months. i started when a family tragedy happened and since then i have cut my arm about 20 times. Though my mom hasnt found out yet she is getting suspicios. Wearing my sweatshirt when it is 100 outside isnt usually normal. Any one who can please tell me if i need professional help or just need to tell some1

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Well, I don't know much about your case, but I do believe you need professional help... I mean, it does seem like it, because you mentioned it started on account of a family tragedy. Well, whatever you decide to do, I hope it's for the better. But your cutting definitively has to stop.

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The family tragedy that got me started on cutting was the loss of my uncle we were very close. Then things just got worse a divorce and my mom got very sick. One bad thing after another, So cutting became my escape but its getting out of hand. Acouple weeks ago i was rushed to the hospital because of my cutting. No one knows about my cutting except for like 3 of my friends. And if u looked at me you would never think i was that down but i never show it until i am alone.

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And if u looked at me you would never think i was that down but i never show it until i am alone.

I perfectly know what you mean. But in your case, loosing an uncle was a very big impact on your life. If I were you, I would try to seek professional help, b/c it's not really your fault. You say that it's getting out of hand, and that's because you're getting used to it and becoming an "addict". And addiction to cutting, just like addiction to drugs, requires professional help. I don't know if at your age it's that easy to keep the fact that you're looking for professional help a secret. So, I would suggest you that you just shouldn't care about what they think if they find out you're cutting. You need help, and cutting jeopardizes your health. What do you think would happen if they found out, besides worrying? Do you think they will see you as a fool? Well, then think about this: I bet you'd rather be a live fool than a dead fool...

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I know that the pain gets so great sometimes that you think that there is no better way to express this pain than to physically feel it. And it probably makes you feel better - temporarily.


Cutting, while present among many young people who are depressed, is a cry for help that is often silent. Being a teenager is hard - and along with it comes raging hormones and intense emotions that make it hard to look at the better sides of things. Nonetheless cutting is NOT a beneficial way to release your pain or cry for help because most cutters hide the fact that they cut from other people.


There are ways of healthily expressing your emotions and things that you can do in place of something that leaves yourself permanently damaged, like kick-boxing, running, writing, or even crying. Though scars do heal on the surface eventually, when you cut yourself, you run the risk that the tissue beneath the skin will be permanently damaged.


Next time you think of cutting yourself, put the down the razor and go for a long run or go outside and scream. You are hurt inside and blaming yourself for something that is not your fault. You have the right to be good to yourself and take care of yourself.


And we are ALWAYS here to listen.

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thanx guys and i do write. i write poetry. but when i write about whats going on it only makes me fell worse and i end up cutting. i dont want to see a thewrapist or go to counceling because then poeple will think i am a psycho. Cutting just seems like the best solution. And i can bear to tell it to my mom because then she will blame herself and send me to a shrink.sometimes i fell like i am all alone and i am screaming but no one can hear me

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i dont want to see a thewrapist or go to counceling because then poeple will think i am a psycho.

No, no, no, no! Don't think like that. Cutting is like a disease. Would people think you're psycho if you had the flu? If that was the case, would you rather be a dead psycho than a live psycho (believe me, a live one can make people stop seeing him or her as a psycho when he's cured, while the dead one will never be cured...)? C'mon, don't worry so much about what people think. Besides, if you choose life, think of life 5 years from now. If you got the help you needed, it will definitively be better, and most people will even forget that you once cut. Don't look at what you're living right now as the big picture, because the present world soon disappears and lets the future take its place. You're screaming but noone can hear you? Well, I guarantee a good therapist will definitively listen to those cries for help. You just need to be patient with him, and stick to what he tells you, and of course, believe in yourself, because you can overcome it all. You took the first step identifying the problem and accepting that something was terribly wrong. Now take the second step by trying to fix the problem...

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I've been in the same situation as you have - feeling like therapy would make me feel like I am crazy. But honestly, everybody, in some way or another, has their own method of therapy. For some people, it's gardening, running, or writing. For others, it's a good conversation with a friend. And for those whose friends can't relate to them, it's going to someone who has studied and knows exactly what you are going through - like a trained professional.


Sometimes we find ways of making ourselves feel better, therarpies, that aren't good in the long run - like cutting. Cutting makes you feel better for a little while, but it doesn't address what is really bothering you. Think of it as a temporary bandaid to cover up what you're feeling. I'm sure the first time you cut, you didn't think that you'd do it again did you? It's a temporary fix to make you feel better, but in order to feel good about yourself in long run, you need to address what is bothering you.


In a way, writing on this site is therapy. And by posting, it shows that you are calling for help and that you don't want to feel bad anymore.


But in the end, no one can tell you to go into professional therapy. Your friends and family can direct you where they think might help you, but you have to decide that on your own. Because unless you are willing to let other people help you, going to any sort of therapist isn't going to help at all.


In reality, therapy is not for crazies, it's for people who have had rough times and need a little boost in life.

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But honestly, everybody, in some way or another, has their own method of therapy. For some people, it's gardening, running, or writing. For others, it's a good conversation with a friend. And for those whose friends can't relate to them, it's going to someone who has studied and knows exactly what you are going through - like a trained professional.


Hey i_hate_the_world47. I think Kali71 is absolutely right. Since you say you don't like therapies, then I suggest you do that (Some people are therapy people, and some simply aren't). But always have in your mind that you've got to get through it no matter what others think or say.

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I know i havent written on this topic in awhile guys srry.The thing that is gong on at home is everything.My mom is always working to make ends meet since my step father left.@ of my closest relatives have died in the past 2 months.I am not really having a good life and cutting seems like such an escape for me



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