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stood up.


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Many of you on here tell me to let go on the girl i'm so caught up in now and go find another one.


well I was doing my normal thing for a Friday night. Out enjoying the stars and peace and quiet and my phone rings.


It is an old friend that I used to work with asking me "you used to talk to me everyday and you used to come see me all the time now you don't do either."


The reason for that is last year about May or so I was with some friends here at the house and we were going to watch a band at a bar that night, she called me up and asked what I was doing and I told her. so she wanted to go which was fine with me. I went and picked her up we got to the bar, she really didn't acknowledge that I was there. and to really put the icing on the cake, she left with one of my friends.


Well Im a very forgiving person so I asked her what she wanted to do and she mentioned go out last night and just spend some time together and talk for a while.


Guess who doesn't show?


I mean after all this with the other girl and then this happens which is really upsetting. Like the old saying "when it rains it pours."

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You can be forgiving, but you should also be somewhat cautious around those who have hurt you in the past until you feel that you can trust them again.


There's also the saying "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Don't let there be a third time.

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Given her history of leaving you at the bar to leave with your friend, it does not surprise me that she stood you up. People that do things like that don't deserve second chances with you. Forgiveness is good, but does not mean you should give that person another chance.

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