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I have been in a LDR relationship with my BF. I live in Texas he lives in South Dakota. We both met her in Texas when he was going to college for Tennis as a proffession. I am going for Nusing Assistant. He is 27 and I am 22.


We have been skyping everynight before we go to bed and even having about 10-15 min converstains during the day. i have visted him and he will be visitng me in a month. We see each other every 2-3 months for about a week. We have given each other promise rings. And want to be with no other person.



We have not done anyting sexual with each other since we have been in this relationship. We are keeping the lord the center of our relationship and forgving each other if one of us does anyting we felt was wrong agaist the other. We are courting and have bee the whole time. We miss each other a lot and know we really care about one another. We have even gotten to the point were we feel we can't live without the other person. It is like a piece of us is missing even though we still have breath in us.



The one things I am asking is if what we are feeling is real love? He has talked about marriage, but I feel his parents are trying to control him. He wants to get married nest year, but they have made him think it over. He has started is career and will be at it for 1.5 years if he decieds to get married. I will be at the same. I just really need some advice...

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It sounds like real love, the fact you guys can still keep up regular contact with each other. How far away (hours wise) are you from each other?! Sounds like you guys do have real love by the ways in that you make time for each other online. If HE talks about marriage it sounds like he must really like you! You say you have the Lord as the centre of your relationship...are you guys Christians?! Because that definitely would be working in your favour too!


Hope it all works out really well for you both,

God Bless!


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We live exactly 1,163 miles apart about 20-23 hours. We put a lot of effort into it. I mean we both do not want to be with anybody else. We kinda sound like the trailer of Going the distance. He left after 7 weeks and I stayed behind. We talk every night. Even sending texts through out the day. We miss each other like crazy. We do only get to see each other every 2-3 months. That means we each travel every 5-6 months to visit.

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