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Having a hard time tonight.

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So I guess everything was triggered last night. Was hanging out with a buddy, when he got called to go shoot some pool. We went and well to get to this place you had to pass by my ex's house. Saw her car there but only hers. Guess that made me happy but still made it worse for me today because I miss her and her 2yr old daughter so much right now. Guess because its sat night and im at my place alone and the mind wonders. Right now if we hadnt broken up her 2yr old would probably of just gave me a kiss and hug goodnight. I miss that alot. I loved her as my own. Then id wait for 30 min and go wake up my ex and get her into our bed. She would always fall asleep in the babys room. Funny how you miss the little things. Also I guess I feel like Ive been given some false hope. My buddy I was with last night was telling me how and why he broke up with his girlfriend 4 months ago. (they are back together now) Basically he got scared of how serious his relationship had become and broke up with her. That lasted 10 weeks. I asked him why he got back with her and he said because I missed her. Its only been 5 weeks since my ex and I last saw each other. Guess im just reaching for rope. Wish I could shake this feeling!

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