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Please help I am close to suicide

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I really don't know what your situation is, whether with a spouse or significant other, but remember that when people bully others it becuase of their own insecurities, not you.


You need to keep your head up, to love yourself. As my mom used to tell me, treat yourself like you're gold ... I say platinum, even.


If you are able to distance yourself from the bully, then do so. You must take care of yourself.

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Hello and Welcome


Would you like to give us some details of your situation so we can understand a little better. Don't do anything until you talk all of your options out. What you are thinking about should never be an option not ever. Even though I cannot feel your pain, we are willing to share in it. And see what we can do to help.



Warm Regards




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pls help me i am gettin badly bullied it aint just verbal abuse it is pysical abuse pls help i am very suicidal holla back ppl


Please take this to a school admin..... or another adult. This is a bad situation, and it is NOT worth ending your life for.......

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suicide is a stupid solution to your problem...what if after you die you go to hell??? that would be much worse than you are now...in any case you should try your hardest you can to escape the people who are treating you like this..i know what its like..i was treated like this for over 10 years!! but anyway escape..and don't rehearse suicidal thoughts, or thoughs about killing or hurting the poeple who are abusing you...though such thoughs appear natual they are very destructive......think positively....



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hi upset_depressed_suicidal


The best thing for you to do is to confide in someone that is close to you. What about your parents, close relative or even a school teacher.


Remember that these people will help you


I know that this is a hard and difficult time, but do remember that this is a temporary situation and it will get better.

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well there are so many hard things that happen in our lives and they usually happen in clusters.in the last two years ive gone through a tough break up had 3 friends who killed them selfs fights with my dad and lost my closest friend left. and every day i wake im saddend that im still here but i know things will never get better if i dont give it a chance. your being bullied well my advice would be to let it make you stronger karma will get them back they are really insecure to need to pick on someone to feel better a little more info would be helpful. and you should confide in someone you trust even if its just an online friend just getting your feelings out will help im here if u need to talk . later


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Ok I take it you entered a false age because at 34 most people aren't being bullied by "popular girls" but that's okay...... I am sure you did this to keep your identity safe and that is okay. You have to realize though that it makes it difficult for us to help you when you are not being totally honest...... anyway I will do my best because we all care about you here, or we wouldn't bother answering.


The first thing you need to do is talk to a school counselor or a teacher whom you trust, and your parents or a trusted person of any kind. Ask them for help through this problem. Life is not meant for us to go through hard times alone, that's why we are human, to interact, and to be in the company of others, and to help one another. Get some sort of protection from these girls. Tell someone you respect, someone you know will help you get results, not just another classmate. If you cannot find anyone at your school then find a clergyperson (someone at a church - it's free) and they should be able to help you. Or call a crisis center, or a hotline. That's what they're there for. Use the resources you have, don't just give up!

The next thing you need to do is to build up your self esteem that these people have taken away from you. How rude is that, right!!!!???? Don't let them do it any more!!!! Vow to not let anyone disrespect you, you are worthy of being respected! Don't be afraid of them. 99% of bullies are all talk, and when you stand up to them, they won't do anything because they're used to kids bowing down to them. Don't settle for this treatment any more.


Please let us know how you are progressing... I know you know deep down that you are better than that. Don't let them win!


Write back!

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you're not alone and things will get better, just keep your head up. suicide (and cutting, etc.) is not a subject to be taken lightly. it's scary and i've recenetly dealt with it personally. if you or anyone you know ever considers it, please reconsider. life is too precious and there are other ways to cope; it solves nothing. please keep this in mind and remember that the dark clouds will lift. you are not alone, remember that. this too shall pass and you will see that. contact me if you want, take care


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