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Last week my girlfriend was AWOL for 1/2 day and had her cellphone turned off. There were other suspicious things I noticed. When she finally called me said she had been at the Dr. and had blood work done, 2 vials drawn. I saw her 6 hrs later and there was no evidence of a needle puncture where the blood was drawn. She insists she never has marks when blood is drawn. I am skeptical and feel like she is covering something up. My gut says there should have been some sign, no matter how careful the person drawing blood was. I decided to ask a professional. Is it possible to have 2 vials drawn from the arm (inner elbow area) and there be no sign only 4-6 hrs later?


Thank you,


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I guess you cant write all things off from being impossible. maybe you should just ask her honestly, and tell her how you feel about it and why you think its suspicious. And what other reasons do you really have to think she was out somewhere with someone else? has she given you any doubts before? you should probably think about that long and hard before you jump to conclusions, and if you do confront her about it, its going to create a trust issue i think. well good luck and pm me if you need anything.

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I did ask her and told her why i felt that way. There have been other times where her story didn't jive. You know how it feels to be lied to, you know it but can't prove it? That's how I feel. I just want my question about the mark or no mark answered by someone who has experience in that area.




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I agree. I'm not an expert but my huband has a medical condition in which he has blood drawn on a regular basis (every other month for about the last 2 years) to check his iron levels.


It is possible to have blood taken and have no bruising at all but it will leave a small hole that you should be able to see.


Also, if you have noticed other suspicious things I would rely on your instincts. Often times a person will lie to cover things up until you confront them with proof. Sometimes then you may not get a straight answer.


I hope that helps you.


Hurt & Abandoned

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Do you have reasons to be suspicious?


Why are you questioning what she told you? Oh, could it be her cell was turned off?


From experience, this is not a good sign. An ex went away for the weekend & I could not call him b/c he turned his phone off. It turns out that he was with another girl: he admitted. We weren't that serious b/c I was 19 & he was 28...still, it's not right.


I do it w/my current b/f, well, I just don't pick up when I am angry at him.


If she will not tell you the truth, just keep asking her ad nauseum...she will cave in & be annoyed- but the truth will be revealed

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Just because she doesn't have a mark doesn't mean she never got blood taken. I for one can not remember having a mark after getting blood drawn. My body heals itself extremely quickly from everything, for example when I stepped on a nail a year or two ago I went to see the doctor about it 4 days after and she was really surprised to hear how recent it was. I just got in a car acident 2 days ago and bruised my ribs pretty bad but as per usual there is no exterior signs of anything happening.

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There were several things that were "out of the normal" routine. We usually call each other in the morning, email when we get to work, etc. That night I had hidden a card for her to find in the morning. She said she did find it. That alone would have normally prompted some communication, letting me know she found it. Not that I expected it, just based on our normal patterns. Her explanation for not calling was her cell phone was low and that she had to turn it off in the Dr. office. She said she had a 2hr wait for the Dr. Ok, her cell is low, but sitting there 2 hrs and bored out of her skull and maybe even thinking something about the card and not making the effort to at least call? When she did finally contact me (via her cell phone which she still had not charged) we talked almost 20 minutes with no problem so the battery couldn't have been that low.

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I say trust your gut. It happened to me after six years. I just new she was lying and didn't hound her about it but just pursued the truth till I caught her in the act. Or maybe your just paranoid because of previous bad relationships. I hope it all works out for you.



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Alright, just to throw in my two cents-don't jump to conclusions over this. If you start accusing her, or even hinting at accusing, she'll get defensive first off, especially when you have nothing to go on. A turned-off cell phone isn't indicative of her cheating, by a long stretch! I've had my phone cut off in the middle of a conversation because the battery went down so quickly. Does she have a car charger? Phones don't take all that long to charge. As far as the blood drawn? I don't recall a mark, but again, people heal at different rates. Granted, 6 hours isn't long, but....


But that's beside the point. The main point is that, if you don't have concrete proof (and believe me, I know about those gut feelings and how badly you want to act on them!), you can't say anything about your suspicions flat-out. All it will lead to is a fight.


My suggestion would be to wait. If you're noticing a marked difference in behavior, you can call her on it. Let her know that she seems different, and that her actions haven't been in the norm lately. This isn't outright accusatory, but lets her know that you smell something funky and don't much care for it. Let her know that you love her and that you trust her and don't want to think that she doesn't trust you the same way in that she doesn't feel she can't tell you what's going on with her, GOOD OR BAD, because she's afraid of how you'll react. If she has a guilty conscience, this might be enough to open her up if there IS something going on with her, and she may explain why she's been acting differently.


It's a hard call, and I've been in your shoes. Sometimes the only thing you can do is wait until they slip up and catch them then, because you have proof of their lies in hand, so to speak. I sincerely hope this isn't the case with your girl, and that she's maybe just needing a bit of distance or something and doesn't want to tell you so as not to hurt you. But don't think the worst until you have proof of it!



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I don't mean to "go against the grain" here, but I think it's being taken FAR too seriously. Not to say that you don't have a right to be suspicious fire_mouth, but I hope this eases your judgement a little!


First of all, not having a mark isn't a tell-tale sign that she didn't have blood drawn. I myself don't leave visible marks after having blood taken. How do I know this? I went looking for marks after my last sample was taken. After much searching (in hope that I could use it for sympathy votes), I couldn't find anything.


Secondly, last Monday I was seeing my counsellor (a Doctor of sorts you could say) and I too turned my cellphone off for the duration of my session. I find it's rude to accept calls or have those sorts of interruptions while I'm getting a professional opinion from someone. Maybe she felt the same?


Thirdly, sure she waited 2 hours, but I don't think she expected to be there that long. It probably didn't cross her mind to call you and strike up a conversation when she could be called in any minute. There's every possibility that she might very well have been happily sitting in the waiting room, reading one of their 6 month old magazines. You just never know.


All in all, I'd say take a deep breath and relax. I don't think anything is going on. You, however, are in a better position than anyone on these forums to tell what's going down. I don't think any expert can tell you for sure that she's cheating on you or not. At this stage is all based on assumptions, and you know what they say about assumptions being the mother of all...


Some questions that might put this in better perspective. Has she cheated in the past? Not necessarily on you, but in other relationships? Does she have any male friends that she speaks highly of or talks to constantly? Has she been cold or distant in recent times? Lots of little arguments over seemingly nothing?

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Another point you need to realize is that most doctors offices and all hospitals now REQUIRE cell phones to be powered off. They can interfere with some of their equipment. So she really had no choice but to turn it off.

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If you have other reasons to be suspicious than I would investigate or watch her actions/words closely...but to be honest I have given blood which is much more then just 2 vials and my arm was fine within 4 hours...may depend how sensitive someone is to needles...

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Ok...maybe a bandaid would be placed after giving blood,...but would you not take it off shortly after? The girl had a needle...she wasn't there to donate blood,....why would she be bruised?! That's crazy! You would have to be super sensitive for that to happen....

I went recently to donate blood....of course had my cell off while in there...felt completely fine after, had a bandaid on immediately after the blood was taken and then walked around the mall shopping for about 2 hours before heading home...got home took off the bandaid...no HUGE mark there...

common, seriously!

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