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  1. Ok,...you are much too young to be worrying yourself with relationships...you need to be finding yourself and living your teenage life to the fullest. You are letting your insecurity get the best of you by automatically thinking that just because she is starting a new school she will find someone else...looks to me like you are pushing her away with your dependancy...you need to relax..be confidant and things will go your way.
  2. Ok...maybe a bandaid would be placed after giving blood,...but would you not take it off shortly after? The girl had a needle...she wasn't there to donate blood,....why would she be bruised?! That's crazy! You would have to be super sensitive for that to happen.... I went recently to donate blood....of course had my cell off while in there...felt completely fine after, had a bandaid on immediately after the blood was taken and then walked around the mall shopping for about 2 hours before heading home...got home took off the bandaid...no HUGE mark there... common, seriously!
  3. some women will forgive...depends on how serious a relationship is...but trust me it will linger in her mind forever...these types of situations never seem to get fully resolved,...I know, I have been there...
  4. If you have other reasons to be suspicious than I would investigate or watch her actions/words closely...but to be honest I have given blood which is much more then just 2 vials and my arm was fine within 4 hours...may depend how sensitive someone is to needles...
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