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Hi everyone,


I was seeing my ex off and on for the past few months, I think it was because I wanted to see proof for myself that he had been lying to me and I wasnt crazy like he said I was. Anyway, in the beginning of June I had a weird outbreak in my groin area, I thought it couldnt be a VD because my ex was the only person I had slept with in the past year and a half, well after having two blood test its confirmed I have herpes. Needless to say i am a bit pisssed off at him cause that's the only way i could have gotten it was from him. And there is an incubation period of 2-10 days! He said he got tested the same time I did after I told him he should, and he "says" the test came back neg. But he's always been a big liar and to tell you the truth I dont believe a thing that comes out of his mouth unless he has the results in writing from the DR himself.

I kept asking him the whole time we were seeing each other if he was seeing someone else, he would get defensive and say no, cause i wanted no parts of that if he was. so the other night he was really drunk ( and I know I shouldnt have done this but under the circumstances...) i took his phone (which i might add he is very protective of and keeps it on him at all times) and started to look through it to see if there were other girls numbers etc, well i came accross quite a few and text messages that eluded to the fact that he'd been on dates. I FREAKED. Needless to say he's out of my life, the phone numbers and text messages were enough proof for me. But now I feel like such a fool and now I have this to live with the rest of my life, I feel so stupid for being sucked back into his games and now this is what I get. I am smarter than this!!! I feel like printing up flyers with his picture on it saying "WOMEN BEWARE!!!!" and distributing them around.

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OMG What a nightmare goodgirl!!! I dont blame you for being really angry. I would be pissed myself but, such is life.


I hope that if you catch Herpes early enough you may be able to get rid of it with doctor prescribed drugs! ( I don't know enough about that std to tell you.)


Damn girl I am sorry that happened to you and that really does suck big time!




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