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i still think and care about her.. but i found someone else

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My ex found someone else and I don't even know if they're still together or not. She doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. It seems like she will never forgive what I did that hurt her and not want her to stay friends with me. After a month of NC, I tried to contact her and see if I can stay in good terms with her but it didn't work out. She's very very mean to me and doesn't want me to ever talk to her again. She doesn't care that she's mean to me and how she hurt my feelings by the way she talked to me when I tried to be friendly with her. So I finally called it quits. I will never go back again, at least I will never try to face the "new" her again. If I want to talk to her again, I will wait at least a year. It's been 3 months since she broke up with me. Honestly, I still think about the great times we've had together and I really miss her still when I get these flashbacks. I will still send holiday cards to her family because I was very close with her family. I honestly believe that my ex was "the one" because I've never had anyone that was so beautiful and outgoing like her. She really was something else that I would never have thought I could have.


From all of this happening, I did find a new person that swept me off my feet. I'm trying to get to know her and become closer with her. She's gorgeous and I want to try and start to become intimate with her. She just got out of a devastating breakup just like I have and she's happy to be single right now. I've forgotten what it feels like to get back in the "game" again. It's been a long time haha so I'm polishing up my skills. So far, it's not too bad. I think she's gonna take a long time though. With my ex, we clicked on so many phases that we were pretty much already destined to be together so I didn't have too much of a challenge back then. Well, at least this new girl is keeping my mind off my ex. I'm kinda hoping I do get over my ex because if I do start a relationship with this new girl, I don't want to still have feelings for my ex because that would be totally unfair.

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you are kind. And this must be difficult. I want to give you my support but in a way, I don't. I want to tell you that this person is grand and that you should explore it. Yes, you should. I also want to say that she may be the rebound and therefore I don't know if she is real or if she is the plug and play of your former dreams.


It is so hard to be on the outside looking in since I am in the same boat. I loved my partner beyond words, and I - like you met someone that was pretty freaking cool - but at the end of the day, my time with my husband was deeper than the relationship I had with someone else. I don't think that you forget about someone - I think you make room for intimacy with someone else - it helps us to cope. It is lonely without our beloved. i guess the most important decision is based upon your own wants. Are you ready, or willing. Or tired of being alone.


I loved A. And I love him still. I hated his anger and I hated myself and who I had become in our relationship. I am moving closer to him by moving away. I know it doesn't make sense in type, but it does in my world - you need to decide for yourself what you want, and what you need. It is different for all of us.


Take care. And be happy. Whatever leap you choose to take.

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I actually did think about how this new person I'm seeing, she could be the rebound from my former love. Yeah, I totally agree with ya, it can be very lonely out there and I honestly didn't want to be lonely anymore. I tried to hang out with my friends as often as I could and it did help me to cope with my feelings for my ex, but every night I would still cry for her and mope for her.


Ever since I found this new person I'm seeing, I'm starting to feel a lot better because it's like a brand new flame that's becoming lit. At the same time, I honestly don't know if I will ever lose true feelings for my ex. I'm honestly scared to take it far with this new person I'm seeing and I want to explain that to her soon because I don't want to make it unfair for her. She's the only thing that's really keeping my mind off my ex most of the time because like you said, she's plugging in those missing holes I've been living without ever since my ex departed from me.


Sometimes I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not. I'm improving myself in a sense by seeing this new girl. I don't want to be the "old" me that was with my ex because I don't want to remind myself of her. I want to change into a different person and I'm slowly doing that. I have accepted my loss with my ex and I still hope that maybe one day we can reunite once again. My feelings for her are very deep.. but for now I want to focus on this new girl and just take it from there. Maybe she could be "the one" and I'm willing to find out.


Anyways, thank you very much. I hope you find happiness as well with your situation

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