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I need help asking out a girl, i think she likes me, HELP ME

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i need help, there is this really HOT and i mean hot girl that is on my class, i think she may like me, but not in the way i like her. she sometimes talks to me, but its a rare occasion. she is really popular 8) and im not so popular. i might be moving this summer so i thought if she is nice like i thought she is, and she understands my situation, she will go on one date with me out of the goodness of her heart.


i was thinking of taking her to a movie, then walking her home, then giving her a gift and asking for a goodnight kiss. i have to ask her out soon, for i may never see her again. i need to know how to ask her out, and if my "date plan" is good. i also thought maybe i could take her out for supper, but im not good at conversations, so i was thinking that i shouldn't.


i need help, ASAP!!! (as soon as possible) and as i said, shes a VIP (very important person) 8) and im nore or less a NSIP (not so important person) plz help, thx



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Damn, you're moving? Same thing happened to me, except that I already moved and I never got to ask the girl out. My suggestion is, even though some people will say you should just forget her, go ahead and do it. I think your date plan is good, even though I am not an expert in the field. Good luck.

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hey well if your moving don't get her to atracted to you because then it will hurt her and thats not something you want (trust me) and the movie idea is awesome and the dinner idea is good to but you really don't have to worry about the converstation cause once you get your food your not going to be talking much and when you bring her home only if you had a great night ask her for a kiss cause the LAST thing you want to do is be pushy and make her feel uncomfortable (trust me again) so just relax and be your self with her don't try to put on a show and show off! 8)

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I wouldnt do it. She may think your taking advantage of her. Why no just get her fone number or e-mail, treat her as a friend, and after you've moved, ask if she wants to meet up and then take it from there


good luck!

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i might be moving this summer so i thought if she is nice like i thought she is, and she understands my situation, she will go on one date with me out of the goodness of her heart.

Don't take the pity route. i'm sure the last thing this girl wants is to feel forced into a date, and that will make the date just go bad.


Hanging out as a friend might work better through the "my last day here", but for a date, I don't know.

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if you really like this girl I'd say go for it..it might not even be so bad depending on how far you're moving..it might be a manageable summer fling. I don't usually think too far in the future anyways, just take it one day at a time..you could also, as another poster suggested, just hang out as friends and then if you feel something more, like there's some sort of attraction between you, ask her if she wants to go out to a movie or dinner, or both..


But yeah, if you know you can't go out with her for long because you're moving to another country, for ex., I'd be wary about being too attached. I'm in a similar situation actually. I found out this guy I've liked on/off the past year also really likes me, and we're sorta going out now, but although I really like him I'm feeling a little hesistant at the same time because I know in a month or so he'll be leaving for England & I probably won't see him again. But if you two really like each other, it's hard to just ignore it & be 'just friends.' It's possible, but ultimately up to the two of you, if you think it's worth it. I decided it was..although I may be heartbroken afterwards, I guess it's better to have loved & lost, then not loved at all, right? I'm sort of taking that philosophy..although I'm not in love yet. =)

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im da dude that posted the first message..



im only moving like, 15 min away, i still may never see her again, because i wont be going back very often. (just giving more info) i have bought a gift to give to her when i ask her out. its a pink plush bear. (she better like it) its all wrapped and everything. 8) and for the date, i was thinking of gettign her a rose. and i wont be here long enough to be friends, i have like, 3-5 weeks left in the town im in. and if the date goes well, do u guys (gurls ) think that a popular gurl would still go out with a not so popular guy like me? but, if u have ne oppinions about the rose + gift bit, tell me, my time is running out.

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think that a popular gurl would still go out with a not so popular guy like me? but, if u have ne oppinions about the rose + gift bit, tell me, my time is running out.


Hey dude, dont worry about popularity. It really dont matter. Unless she one of those girl, that looks down on people thats lower class. If she is, I recommend you to to dont go after her, because it aint worth it. If aint that kinda type of person, then you're good to go. And for the gift, if she agree she would hang out with you. I would go for one of those dolls, with big puppy eyes, (IE that cat on shrek 2) if you already watched that movie. Okay, anyways I would either tell her to meet up at somewhere. Make sure, she there before you. Then I would cover her eyes, with my hands, and ask her to guess who is it. (OF course she know its you) Once she guessed, keep teasing her. AND tell her to keep them closed, later bring out the gift, put it on her lap and tell her to open her eyes then how she react. Usually they will be like "awww its so cute, thank you" Try to play it off, smoothly say something like "im glad, you like it. We better get going" Later on the way, when you're walk start a conversation with her. Ask her how was her summer, tell her it feels like ages since the last time you saw, say something funny, flirt with her by sayin "did you miss me" If you're not shy, put your arm around her shoulder, see how she reacts. If she dont feel comfortable, it means either she dont like you, or she just see you as a friend. Also if she feel uncomfortable, this really screw up the rest of the day. If she dont mind, then kick back and keep that pimp juice running. (if you know what I mean ) Later, when you walk her home, tell her you have a wonderful time, and spread out your arm for a hug from her. Later after that look into her eyes, then roll your eyes down to her lips. See is she makin eye contact also, if she is go in smoothly and give her a quick kiss in the lips. Thats about it. GL, and try not to do/say thing what other guys do/say, if you dont you would be unique in her eyes.

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