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How do you get beyond talking about the weather with colleagues?

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I work in a large organisation, and I would like to get to know my colleagues better, both out of personal curiosity and for networking.


But so far, I'm not doing a very good job. There are so many people I don't really know. There's no common lunch room, and so I always eat lunch alone.


any suggestions welcome.

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When you are with somone just give them a little smile as you get up to them and greet them 'alright' or whatever else feels comfetable, then just try and find some common ground where do you work? (department) what their name is and just keep asking questions in a casual way show an intrest in them and they will talk to you everyone likes to tell somone about what they do what they like doing or somthing thats happened to them. I work in a supermarket and every single customer that comes through my till has a diffrent and intresting story to tell you just have to show an intrest in listening to what they have to say.

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Start by talking to the people who sit closest to you... it's going to be small talk at first... but build it up till you can suggest an after work drink... and get them to invite others that they speak to most. Ask questions and find common ground! Remember, everyone in the work situation (specially at big companies), is 'on their best behaviour'...they don't want to do or say anything to damage their reputation or cause anamosity... so it may take a while to get them to open up...the more times you initiate contact, the more they'll see you as an open person they want to communicate with!!

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Learn people's names and use them when you see them. Keep a pleasant expression on your face and smile at people. When you're in a situation where you can talk to someone, ask them about themselves- how long they've been at the company, where they live, etc. People generally love to talk about themselves, so just show an interest in them and most people will start to really open up.


Then, after you learn a bit about them, when you see them again, ask them about something they said. If they mentioned they were going on vacation to Vegas, ask them how their trip went.


Use this approach to build some rapport and then gradually you will find which people you might want to pursue further for lunch, etc.


good luck!

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