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So Stuck. What More Can I Do?


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So, I'm divorced and an ex college student in a mountain of debt stuck living with my parents for the 2nd time. It seems like the more I try to do with my life, the more things explode in my face. It's like some invisible force blocking me from getting anywhere. I used to think if you always gave 110% and be cautious in whatever you choose to do, then you'd be fine. Well, I found out the hard way that it's just not true at all.


I owe a loan for my bank (for trying to make it through school), the school (which got rid of the only type of loan I was eligible for causing me to leave), and my maxed out credit card (for trying to pay rent while trying to stay in school). I just got a 2nd job, but I don't have a car, so it looks like I'll be depending on my mom who would have to go to work 30min early just to drop me off. I've been saving for a car and recently applied for a loan, but they said I needed a cosigner. I couldn't get one for school, so it's a lost cause at this point.


I'm doing my best, but my own family has the nerve to call me lazy when I'm doing everything I can. I'm limited! Believe me, I'd love to grow a money tree if I could. I guess the only thing I can do is give up my life and dedicate it to working 2 full time jobs. No fun, no friends, no life, just work. Sadly, I don't have anything else going for myself at the moment because debt and destroyed credit makes it nearly impossible to do anything.


This really sucks and makes me further lose comprehension of how people get anywhere. I'm not the type of person that just says "Hey, I guess I'll just try to maintain my life, pay bills, then die." I have goals and dreams. I want to enjoy myself when I can. There are so many things that I'd love to do before I die. It's going to take some time, so I guess all I can do is bite the bullet and suffer for now. I'm a stronger believer of delayed gratification.


Any thoughts?

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It's tough man. Look at it this way, anyone who graduates with a degree early in life (such as a BA by 21 or 22) lacks a lot of life experience.


When you earn your degree, whenever that may be, you'll be in control of your life and your future after it. You'll know the value of your degree, the dollars and the sacrafices it took you to get it.

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