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It seems foolish, even to me, but I can't help it

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I broke up with this guys that I dated for a year and a half towards the end of last April. He didn't feel the same for me anymore, and I was tired of him avoiding me all the time.


He probably would have gotten tired with me eventually, but that fact that I tend to be a bit on the annoying side probably sped up the process.


We didn't always see eye to eye. His poor social skills always irked me to no extent. Whenever he would come over, he would never make conversation with my parents, let alone even look at them.


He hated how I always talked about the things I was involved with at the time. In my defense, I had to talk more to fill the empty gap that was forming in our conversations in the last few months we were together.



We probably were never really meant for each other. I mean, who wants to be with someone who makes them unhappy?


But I wasn't always unhappy. When I was with him, I felt this sense of joy that's hard to explain. I've never met anyone who could make me laugh so easily, or make me feel as special and lucky as he did.



He's not the first guy I've ever dated. I've dated a few guys in the past, but none of them ever left me so bent out of shape after a break up. Maybe it's because this is the first time I've been officially "dumped". Ha ha


I've sort of moved on since we've broken up. I've found someone that I'm sort of interested in, but all I do is think that he might not be as good as my ex was, so I don’t want to gamble the friendship we’ve formed together.


My ex is now dating this other girl that was in the same graduating class as him (he’s a year older than me). Although she and I were never close, I still really like her because she’s a really nice girl. Not to mention really funny. I don’t feel any hard feelings for her because it’s not like she intentionally stole him from me or anything like that. It just sort of happened, and that’s fine.


Even though I miss him, I’ve accepted the fact that we’ll never be together again. And if for some reason he were to come back to me, I wouldn’t take him back because I know we’d just end up where are now, and I wouldn’t be able to handle that.


Whenever I write out a post on here, it never actually gets posted because I feel like once I’m finished with it, I have figured out the problem on my own. But this time I could really use a little comfort from people who can understand where I’m coming from.

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I know what you mean. It's the you can't live with them, you can't live without them mentality. You're second guessing on the breakup, don't. If the both of you were unhappy majority of the time, then it's a wise decision to find your own happiness. If you think your current interest might not be as good as your ex, well, look at the other side of the coin too . Sometimes it helps if you have doubts about the breakup, before it's too late, make a list of pros and cons about your ex, if the cons are doubling or tripling the pros, then you definitely made the right decision. If it's the other way around, then make a plan to reconcile. Don't second guess yourself. Everything happens for a reason right?

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