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weird how you wouldn't expect such things to happen..


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A long time ago when I was a freshman in high school (I'm 2 years out of high school and currently in the military), my cousin (who was a senior in high school) had such a strong relationship with this guy (same age as my cousin). They did so much together and it seemed like they were meant to be together and eventually become married. Things happened and my cousin dumped the guy. The guy became heartbroken for a long time. My cousin moved on to another guy almost right away. She ended up having a baby with that guy she moved to. The guy she moved to, he ended up screwing up badly and got in trouble a lot.. it didn't work out between them. The ex boyfriend of my cousin dated other girls and didn't really work out for him. So years down the road, I find out through facebook that my cousin and her ex are dating once again and as strong as ever. They started dating just last year. I told my cousin's boyfriend, "wow I never thought you guys would get back together.." and he told me that he ended up moving on but it just wasn't the same without being with her. So even when my cousin has a kid with another guy, she ended up being with her ex in the end. This proved to me that there is hope for everyone out there that wish to be back with their ex one day, in the future, including myself.


Oh and I still remember the days when my cousin would talk about how bad her (now) boyfriend was and what lead her to dump him. I still remember how my cousin wanted to get all her stuff and things they shared out of his house and not want anything to do with him anymore. Now they're together and happy together.

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