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whats behind door number two?

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to be completely honest i havent actually heard that riddle, i remember watching the labrynth when i was little though and that consisted of two doors, but if i was to relate and summarise your answer.


i guess what i would believe is that both doors lead to your fate that all in all there is not actually two doors with different meaning but merely two doors that give you the same existence, the same answer and the same oppotunities that you desired, hopefully this makes sense. almost like the path of judgement but your own, something where you gain and your conscience tells you where you shall be.


i mean who defined heaven and hell what happens if those deffinitions came into wrong hands and were swapped thereforeeee resulting people to actually desire the atmosphere of hell. does this make sense? i guess what im tyring to show is that i believe behind that door is something what you feel you should be given, with no doubt but your own imagination. own will.


just an opinion, i guess i didnt fuly understand the question because i had never heard of the riddle but thats my view.



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That's a tough one.


A door outside of heaven could mean anything. I think it all boils down to one's belief or religon. If one believes in just heaven and hell, it would be hell I suppose. For Catholics it could be purgotry.


Any clues?

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