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I can't comprehend why I am dealing with this. It's like, I just turned 21 and a month before my 21st b-day my father passed away. When I was 12 my Mom passed away. When I talk to all of my old friends from school, they are in college making new friends and exploring life or they are in happy relationships. None of this has ever came to me at all. My whole life I am have been torn. dealing with the loss of my mommy and then my step-mother (ex now) never liked me and had an intense jealousy for me and tried to make my relationship with my Dad distant. I really need and miss my Dad's support. I know things will eventually get better.


I have to work really hard to keep everything I have. I have no parents to fall back on.


I feel so inferior to some of the people I know.



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You post brought tears to my eyes, how difficult your ex step-mother made life for both you and your father. I know it's hard but focus on ways to enhance and improve your life. Your parents would want you to be successful and happy.

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