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Hi there,


I am about the lose my mind over this guy and was wondering what you guys would have to say about it...

There's this guy at the gym I go to, I see him every time I am there, about 4 times a week. I've caught him many times look at me, and vice versa, especially from distance. When we work out next to each other, I freeze and can't even look at him, and I think he does the same thing. Both him and I seem straight, nothing about us screams gay... but this eye contact.... He does look around a lot, unlike other guys that are very focused on exercising. He is very well put together, his hair looks always perfect... but that doesnt have to mean anything, I know.

Every time I enter the gym I try to find him immediately and when I do, he's always looking at me!

We've passed by each other many times, but there's never been a HI or anything though...


ANy insights and suggestions will be appreciated! Should I do or say something or just wait for stuff to happen?

I will definitely not go up to him and tell him that I like him or anything like this... not happening for sure.


And btw, not that it matters, but he is so H O T

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I would be slightly cautious in a gym setting. I say this because I have had similar experiences. I workout quite often (I am a gay male) and it seems that so, so many males make eye contact. So many that it is almost statistically impossible that they are gay. And yes, many of these make frequent eye contact.


Now, I'm not saying there isn't a good chance the guy you speak of is gay - he very well might be. But here are some other reasonable explanations I've come up with that a straight guy may make eye contact in a gym:


1.) There are mirrors everywhere, and everyone has breaks between reps. With these 2 things together, it's kinda impossible to avoid eye contact, plus what else does one have to do to entertain themselves inbetween reps?


2.) Some workout guys have the testosterone flowing due to the workouts. In general, guys check each other out as "competition" (though subconsciously) just like animals. This is probably more pronounced in a gym setting than normal.


3.) Some straight guys see contant eye contact as a challenge/threat rather than you giving them attention from a gay standpoint. So, they may be making equal eye contact to meet your challenge.


I reccomend watching him if you see an exceptionally hot girl walks in. This will give you your answer. If he isn't giving her as much eye contact or looks as he is giving you, then he is most likely gay.

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Hi there,


There's this guy at the gym I go to, I see him every time I am there, about 4 times a week. I've caught him many times look at me, and vice versa, especially from distance. When we work out next to each other, I freeze and can't even look at him, and I think he does the same thing. Both him and I seem straight, nothing about us screams gay... but this eye contact.... He does look around a lot, unlike other guys that are very focused on exercising. He is very well put together, his hair looks always perfect... but that doesnt have to mean anything, I know.

Every time I enter the gym I try to find him immediately and when I do, he's always looking at me!

We've passed by each other many times, but there's never been a HI or anything though...



Oh my goodness...I'm kinda surprised when I read this because I'm going through the exact same thing. I am also a member of a local gym and I also have this someone who I always anticipate on seeing. Everything you said about you looking at you and vice versa, to looking for him and to even freezing whenever both of you are close, it happens to me too. But unlike you, I used to see "mine" 3 times a week but now I only see him once a week and sometimes never. I also did not have any interactions whatsoever with mine.


May I ask how long have all this things been going on?

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thanks for the posts!


1. Agreed! But and I do know that we all, straight or gay, look around a lot, but most guys (the ones I think are straight ) avoid eye contact, or will just glimpse, and then look back at the machine or whatever. He can tell the difference between somebody looking at you and scanning the room because they're bored.

2. Agreed again, but I feel that that's not this kind of look that I've been getting

3. In this case, that's not it for sure.


Totally agree with everything you said. I dont think though that it would apply to HIM. Or maybe it's only wishful thinking...


I have seen him talk a girl and totally freaked out at first. They did not just meet though and looked like friends more than anything else. His body language did not indicate any attraction to her. I have never seen him check a girl out. There might be tons of reason for it too.


@ medicine

I noticed him around 2 months ago, and was attracted to him right away. But my feelings have become really strong just recently. Strong, as in he is all I can think about nobody else does it for me



I sound like 12 year old girl, but I'm 28 y/o, down to earth, funny, good looking... what is happening to me? lol

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Ahaha...We'll Im 17 and I feel the same towards my "chop" and I even drew what he wore for his workouts for my art assignment. Seems like its love at first sight for you because it was for me. And the only thing going through my mind during my workouts is how to get an interaction between me and my "chop", perhaps that is what you are looking for right now.

And what Nerdyjock said about seeing his reaction when a hot girl comes in, I remembered also wanted to do that by bringing in my sister during a day when I see him at the gym.

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