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Dont know what to do when i see an attracive girl


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I was walking around a shopping center earlier and saw this girl in jean shorts that basically drove me crazy. very hot. alot of attraction. Problem is i dont know what to do. I just see these hot girls and dont know what to do other than just go "damn!" shes hot, i want that. but thats as far as it goes. she was with her mom and sister just talking standing there, i walked by and just kept going...should i have stopped...what would i say....writing this is probably my cope out from not making a move and having that feeling of i want that.


What do i do in these situations, i still have not really learned what to do when i see an attractive girl, i usually just go "damn!" let the feeling subside and go about my business.,...im tired of doing that....need to make a move.

Would it have beeen cool to just go up to her and her family...say she was cute and ask for her name, start up conversation..??

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See what's hot to me isn't so hot to most other guys. To me, what some guys may view as average to slightly above-average is just up my alley. So to be honest, I'm not very comfortable approaching women out of my box. My box is my home it's where I'm most comfortable and capable at. Surely if a woman that fine was to give me some play then I'd jump on it, but naturally, this isn't something I do much of so therefore it's best for me to stay where I'm most level-headed and able. My life is not depicted by "getting the girl," or "the girl of my dreams." Instead, I'm just looking to connect with someone with at least decent amount of physical attraction and an awesome brain chemistry together. Anything else is excessive and honestly beyond my taste.

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i FEEL U. I guess my post has to do with that primal instinct or attraction....i can relate to just settling with a girl and enjoying the personal relationship and thats what i want with these girls eventually if they are my type.....but that basic attraction...that thing that turns ur head.....its like a craving....its like damn she is fine...look at that whatever......its just being a guy i guess...but i want to know how to respond to that feeeling and approach it address it...obviously my mind and body are telling me something, they are saying i like the that i want that......i think i need to start trusting that and going up to these girls, otherwise that impulse and feeling is a burden and only causing the yearning feelings of wanting something and never making the move to try it out

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i FEEL U. I guess my post has to do with that primal instinct or attraction....i can relate to just settling with a girl and enjoying the personal relationship and thats what i want with these girls eventually if they are my type.....but that basic attraction...that thing that turns ur head.....its like a craving....its like damn she is fine...look at that whatever......its just being a guy i guess...but i want to know how to respond to that feeeling and approach it address it...obviously my mind and body are telling me something, they are saying i like the that i want that......i think i need to start trusting that and going up to these girls, otherwise that impulse and feeling is a burden and only causing the yearning feelings of wanting something and never making the move to try it out


Look at this way, then. What's the worse that could happen, ATL? You're not going to die, you're not going to lose your job and it ain't like she's going to turn into a fire-breathing dragon all of a sudden. At the worst, she'll just say 'no' and I'm sure you've been told 'no' before as many guys have. That's it, no needles, no special surgery and they're not going to tow your car if she says, no.

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I cold approached a young lady at work (I was on break) last week and we've been dating since Sunday , and so far so good. There is mutual attraction and we are falling for each other. Though it is easier said than done (believe me, hah), don't let a woman's outer beauty shroud the beauty of who she is at heart. She is just like everyone else in one regard. Talk to her like you would anyone else. Be interested in her and what she has to say and be prepared to accept rejection. You can't give yourself too much time to think about it or you will be inebriated by her looks and forget that she's just a regular person , and if she is in a good mood , she may be glad to chat. Talk to her as if you already know her.

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From a female's perspective, I think it's nice to make eye contact and smile at first and if she responds positively, then you will feel a little at ease to approach her. I think it's better to approach them when they're alone. If they're around friends and family there's a less chance of success like Fathomfear said. Not only will it make you nervous, but it will make an impact on how the girl responds because she may have to be careful what she says to you in front of them. Plus, friends and family like to talk and pass on their own judgments which also makes an influence.


I think after the eye contact is made, maybe start a casual conversation. Keep is as casual as possible and try not to come off as if you're chasing her or trying too hard (like giving too many compliments about her physical features). Avoid asking questions where you will only get a yes/no answers because the conversation will die very fast.


It's gonna take a while to get the hang of it and it's normal to feel nervous about it. I get very nervous around men I find attractive, but if I really want them I can't really sit around and hope they'll come to me. I'll try to come off as optimistic and positive and start a conversation with them.


Also, sometimes, you ARE successful with approaching the person, but it may not work out as you wanted it to. One time I started talking to this guy who worked at a store. We talked whenever we saw each other and we eventually ended up adding each other on Facebook. One day, I decided to I join him on his lunch break at a nearby pizzeria, but that day when we talked he realized he wasn't that into me. He was more into singing & playing guitar, drinking, and was a college drop out while I'm in college, not a a big fan of drinking, and I had no music talent at that time. It sucked, but that's okay. I went from seeing a hot guy in a store to having lunch with him. That's a huge step. Most of the time, you're going to get some type of rejection, but just keep moving and eventually you will meet the right person.

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I think your success rate on that kind of blind approach in public, especially around family members, is going to be rather low. How do you typically approach women whom you know better and are on their own?


Are you kidding?! When family is around, if they like you you're success rate is going to be pretty high. Mom's love it when guys their daughter's age approach them because the older women recognize the confidence and balls it takes to even do that sort of thing. So long as the guy isn't socially weird he's got a great shot.

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