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The past still worrys me

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in 1989 i started a relationship shane,he was young just dropped out of school, he excited me sexualy as imust have for him,i was 35yr old.

we both thought it to be love.

then it happened i met my girlfriend,to be honest i told heather i have a boyfriend, she said thats ok.[heather was 33]

we all got along fine for about six months,then heather tried to break shane and i up,saying now that i her i wont need shane anymore,that was the beginning of the end for heather and i, she lied and never understood.

i also lost shane through her deciet.

since then i have had heaps of meaningless sex hollow stuff my faith and trust is gone one day mybe i will trust again and love again if its not already to late.

ps. this is not a question just some baggage i need to unload.

thankyou all.

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Hey Mick, I know you didn't have a question and probably weren't looking for advice, but I just can't help myself sometimes...


I think you could really benefit from some direction in your life. Try this:


1) What would make you reall really happy? Dream big, really think it through, and then write it all down.


2) Make a list of what you could settle for. What would give you enough happiness to feel fulfilled with your life. Write it down.


3) Lastly, make a list of things you need to do in order to achieve #2.


Let us know how you are doing. Only YOU can make you happy, and only you can break the cycles of deceit and baggage.

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hey thanks for the advice even though i wasnt expecting a reply,its very much appreciated. i was a little down when i posted my message,after reading your reply and then rereading my message,i can now see in the clear light of day im going have to get on with life and the future rather than hanging on to the past. thax your reply has helped.

ps what i really want to do is have a bisexaul girlfriend and boyfriend,its happened 4 me in the past so it could happen again, only now im older, but not past it. thanx again mick.

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