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I don't know what to do anymore.

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About 6 months ago me and my best friend of three years started a relationship. Everything was going good for about three months ago.


She told me that she wanted to end our relationship for the sake of our friendship. It's hard to get over it though. I feel like I fell in love with her and she doesn't doesn't understand.


Now it's to the point where I'm starting to just try and ease back into the friendship stage. But it's hard because I've also feel as though I've been replaced. She's always hanging out with another guy.


We've talked about it and she assures me that I haven't been replaced. Yet her actions don't correspond with her words.

For example, I told her last week that I only had one day off this week(working two jobs) And she assured me that we were going to hangout. So when I talked to her about it the other day she said "Yes, but my other friend wants to hangout with us after we eat lunch"

Man did that get me steaming.


I don't understand how she gets off telling me that I don't put in enough effort to see her. When whenever I'm not at home or at work. I'm usually with her.


I need to know if I'm overreacting or if I'm in the right for being mad.

And What the hell should I do?

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