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love and lost

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Hey update on situation.

i took the advice given to me and told a guy that i like that i liked him, and asked him if maybe he felt the same way. the thing is that he never gave me an answer and now ever time we talk its like we never ever had that little chat, i'm taking that to mean that he doesn't like me like that. i'm i right, does his not answering mean that he doesn't like me like that? please give me some advice.

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1) he could be in shock, in that case give him a day, but make sure you bring it back up etleast one more time before you get too down.


2) He could not like you and is being rude by not giving you a response.


Depending on how you know him choose which one best applies. Best of luck.

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You two work together don't you? If so then your best bet is to let him be the one to approach you. If you continue to bring up the issue you will appear pushy and needy. That would make for an uncomfortable working environment, not to mention the embarrassment if he rejects you.

When a man is attracted to you he will show it. He will eventually find the courage to ask you out. Try to remember this.

Now if he continues to talk to you and come after you : be flirty and sweet, but he should be the one persuing you.


This will save you alot of heartache if he is not interested.

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i am usually flattered when someone says they like me because it is not very often, but for some guys it is not that way. he probobly feels very awkward around you if he does not like you in the same way. unfortunately, i think that is the case, that he does not like you in the same way. if you let him approach you then i think you are taking the easy way out. i think it is alot easier to chase after her than try and gain her attention and get her to go after me. but like muneca said, just be flirty and sweet and i think things may turn out fine.

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