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Bendy problem

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It's a bit embarrassing to say this, but i have a problem with my penis, it bends to the left, and i don't know what a girl would think if she saw it.


I tend to get some methods of "straightening your penis" along with all the other "add 3-4 inches" type spam sent to me. I was just wondering if there was anyone out there who knew some exercises or techniques that i could try to get it back to normal.


I have done a little reading up on this, aparently an erection is caused by the filling of many little sacks in the penis with blood, and that the penis can be elarged more than normal by training the penis to enlarge these sacks beyond their normal capacity (hense the function of a penis pump)


It is possible that because I used to wear jocks instad of the boxers i do now, that it was constantly bent to the left during the time i used to get erections constantly, and while my penis was growing. I think this caused the uneven growth of these sacks and so the bend.


Sorry for going on so long, bout what could be a common problem, but it's got me worried.


Thanks in advance for any help

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The reason why your penis bends to the left is because there is more muscle on the right side thereforeeee making it vear to the left... it's not that uncommon (mine points to the left slightly).


As a med student, I would never trust a penis pump or any other gismo because they're far more likely to damage you than make you any larger or straighter.


I wouldn't worry about it, unless it's bent really far sideways which could be a problem. Like I said it's pretty common, but if you're still worried show it to a doctor.

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supposedly curved ones are able to hit the Gspot better. So in your case and mine, she needs to lay on right side to have us rub up on the front on the inside.



Pumps can be quite dangerous. Only after years of use would you see any 'permanent' results. After using it, you are slightly larger, but its effects don't last long. You are basically expanding the size of the blood vessels which in turn increase muscle size. However, if someone were to increase the size to large, blood vessels could rupture and that will be your last erection. Not worth it IMO.

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Hey, don't fret- you're completely normal.


My boyfriend's penis points to the right when he has an erection. It doesn't make it any less comfortable for bj's or hj's. A penis is very free-moving I guess you'd say. If you notice when you have an erection you can easily point your penis in the opposite direction (up, down, to the left or right) without it hurting or causing discomfort.


Your girlfriend isn't going to mind. And most, if not all penises have a side they favor. There is no such thing as a perfectly straight penis.

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