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Theres nothing wrong with masterbating. Just make sure what you use is very clean because if its not it could cause an infection or something. I'm not sure exactly how much you masterbate, but as long as its not getting in the way of other important things then its alright. Like if you are masterbating instead of doing things you need to do, like homework, just don't let it interfere with more important things.

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ok, well... asfar as tips go, r u underage? because if not the easiest and most pleasurable way to get aroused is with a vibrator, but i dunno if ur of age to buy 1. if not.. try ising an electric toothbrush, ti works almost as well.


good luck!

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of age to buy 1.


There is no age to buy one, just to get into the stores


link removed Has some nice tips, tricks, suggestions, and... homade toys



O BTW: Posting in the Orgasm fourms will proably get more responces for next time

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Selfishness and masturbation both amount to loving only yourself, which isn't love at all. There are two key purposes of making love: union and procreation (bonding and babies). Masturbation achieves neither, since the center of the sexual act becomes "me" instead of "we." Rather than being in control of sexual desires, masturbation excites lustful thoughts, causes you to expect immediate sexual gratification, and trains you to look to yourself for sexual fulfillment.


Think of it this way: Love is a gift of self. You cannot give what you do not possess. So, if you do not have self-control, you cannot truly give yourself to another.


Though sexual sins are highly addictive, God's healing grace is stronger. Like any other sin, this one can be overcome. Take courage and keep your eyes on Jesus, who will complete the good work he has begun in you (Phil. 1:6)."

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I disagree Cure of Ars, masturbation is an exercise of self-control because frankly we all get the urge to masturbate frequently but we do not give in to that desire because we know its not appropriate to just start in the middle of public.


There are two more important parts of making love, the love and stress relief. It feels good to masturbate and it dose relieve stress. Ever hear the term "jackin for world peace"?


I'm pretty sure the bible doesn't condemn or condone masturbation.


But this is a topic for another thread.

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I disagree Cure of Ars, masturbation is an exercise of self-control because frankly we all get the urge to masturbate frequently but we do not give in to that desire because we know its not appropriate to just start in the middle of public.


Ya, making sure that you don't masturbate in public builds some serious character. I'm being sarcastic.


Personally, as a Catholic I'm called to pick up my cross. And this goes further than just when I'm in public. To be free to love, we need to be free from lust. If sex is about me, my stress relief, my pleasure then it is not about love.


Real love is not a feeling, it is an act of the will. It is choosing to lay your life down for another, like Christ did for us. Running to masturbation for fantasyland stress relief and avoiding standing up to temptation only makes you weak. When someone is depending on you, and you're really tempted, you're not going to be strong enough to love. We need to at least try to fight the good fight. God bless

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Masterbation isn't exactly sex though. You kind of need more than one person in order to have actual sex. Masterbating is healthy & good for you to do. Sexual urges are perfectly normal things to get & its good that people can turn to pleasing themselves instead of just doing something stupid like just have sex with a random person. Of course everyone has different beliefs though. Some people think its horribly wrong, while others just think that its completely harmless & only normal. We are all entitled to our own opinion, & everyone in this world will never agree to just one side of the argument. So it really just comes down to what you think, if you think its ok & harmless, then thats what it is.

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Masterbation isn't exactly sex though. You kind of need more than one person in order to have actual sex. Masterbating is healthy & good for you to do. Sexual urges are perfectly normal things to get & its good that people can turn to pleasing themselves instead of just doing something stupid like just have sex with a random person.


Here's an analogy. Sex is kind of like duck tape. Sex is meant to unite a man and a woman, in love, to make a family for children. Just like tape is meant to stick things together. If you take your duck tape and stick it to a lot of different objects before you stick it to the thing that you want it to stick to for good, it is not going to stick very well. If you fold the duck tape over and stick it to itself, it's not going to be as sticky. Same thing happens with sex. If sex is used for anything less than for love, then it will weaken it's expression as love.


Another point. Biologically we have a universal language built into us. If you go to China and they smile at you, you know what they mean. If you go to Africa and they frown at you, you know what they mean. Same goes with sex. Sex has meaning. It says to someone that I am willing to make a commitment to you. I am willing to allow the possibility that our love will be in-fleshed and become a person. I am willing to lay down my life for you for the life of our children. It says, "I love you". But if you say anything less than what it means then you are lying with your body. With to many lies then sex becomes a lie. Then when you really want to say "I love you" with sex it wont be able to because you distorted the truth with lies. Just like if I went up to you and smiled and then punched you. The next time someone smiles at you its going to mean something different, like duck.


Sex is a sacred act. It is the act that brings the gift of life into this world. We should treat it as if it is sacred. Not cheapen it.



Of course everyone has different beliefs though. Some people think its horribly wrong, while others just think that its completely harmless & only normal. We are all entitled to our own opinion, & everyone in this world will never agree to just one side of the argument. So it really just comes down to what you think, if you think its ok & harmless, then thats what it is.


Just because people do not agree does not mean that there is not truth.


I hope you at least consider what I am saying. I want you to have a healthy attachment to your loved one and a healthy and strong family. God bless

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I have been mastubating since I was 9 or 10. It started off like once a week, eventually went to once a day and I somehow do it three times a day.

I have no problem in sex (w/ my GF), in fact she thought I was amazing (with my stamina).

I can make her cum before I do, the only drawback is I am less sensitive due to the mastubation. It takse a lot to make me cum. My GF can't make me cum by BJ alone (w/o my help), she only managed that once (all by herself) in the 5 months we are together.

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I'm with under on this one, Cure, if ur catholic you'll know that god gave us a choice, what we do with that choice is up to us. God wants us to do his bidding, but doesn't force belief upon anyone, so thereforeeee neither should you. There is nothing wrong with masturbation, its a good feeling and it does no harm. Should I not scratch when I'm itchy because I won't be standing up to temptation???

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Good one computer guy!!! and I like it bent upanddown100, gives a different feeling, don't worry about it. I remember I felt really guilty and like I was betraying my boyfriend when I first started masturbating, but then I got over it and do it all the time. Well...not ALL the time, but you get what I mean!

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Omni tenru, some women are way more sensitive than others. Why don't you try lightly running you fingers around the outside of her lips, around her clit. Don't directly touch it. Every now and again cup her and apply a gentle pressure. Lean over and blow a little on her clit, just to experiament. If she sighs and starts watching tv turn it up a notch. I bet she would love it. My girl is like that.


by the way, I masturbate every day, and have sex three times a week or so, and sometimes I feel like a real creep. And thats all I have to say about that.

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I know this is rather last week, but I do have to make a point.


What Cure of Arts was saying rather upset me. I am a Christian; I was brought up as one and I decided myself to take on confirmation. OK, I am not a Catholic, I am an Anglican, but so what? Why is there a divide? We're all in the same boat, and God doesn't discriminate!


You cannot pontificate in that way; you cannot use the idea of God as a figure to scare people out of something which only comes naturally. For a start, one can't pretend that there aren't people who don't believe there is a God!


I am sure that a healthy mind (I mean someone who is not handicapped beyond their control) Christian or atheist or goodness knows what else can use masturbation to feel better, and even closer to themselves. God is about love; he leaves the physical matters down to us, but the love we feel is him. What computer guy says is perfectly correct; it is just as natural as scratching an itch. It harms noone, especially not yourself.


There is a lot of stuff in the Bible (Leviticus... crazy book) that I cannot make head nor tail of, so I have come to rely on my conscience and what I feel God would want of me as to how I act. It's a very personal thing, faith in God; not just what a clique of people might expect of someone.


Love is one thing, your body is another, and we have the discretion to bring the two together.

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I personally am not religious, do I don't see any reason for Cure's reply. If someone comes looking for helps and answers here, I want to be sheltering, not telling them what they are doing is wrong. Then again, this does contradict my mind when it comes to people asking how to cut themselves. But in most cases, I think we should try to her!

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