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Staying good friends got my x-GF back!!!

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I think your situation was primed for a letter like that, she asked what you felt and thougt and you gave that to her...Your situation is close to what mine is except I pushed too much, I wrote too many of those letters...now we're out of contact because of that...


How much longer until it won't be LD? I really hope this works out for you, it's not a situation of making her love you or fall for you, it's can you work out the LD until you two can always be together...Unfortunately, sometimes the pain of missing someone you love can be too much for some people and they feel it's better to break it off an try to move on from it...this is what happened with my ex, we were looking at 3 years LD (I never told her my plans to move back there for grad school until I got accepted, after we broke up) Even though she knows I'm moving back she still wanted to be alone...this is where it's different...Your says how she feels and to me it seems like it will work out just fine...


I think it was micheal who says to break contact...I don't think this is right...she dumped the other guy (correct?) you've been there for her and you should be...you are not her doormat, but more like her raincoat...continue to keep her dry and things will work out...(all my opinion of course)

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She wants to be left alone.


Have her actions implied anything other then false hope. Nope, they havent. Her words may, but llook at her ACTIONS.


Yes, you have been there for her; and where has this brought you. No where, it has caused you pain, and brought you to these boards.


I can definitely relate to LD relationship. I was in one myself, and it was the major downfall to our relationship. Ill tell you this, if you both lived closer to eachother, I can pretty much say that you would be together. Unfortunately until then, things will have to be the way they are.

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She isn't telling you to leave her alone...be there for her...I think micheal is wrong on this one...


If it is hurting you then don't contact her, but It really doesn't seem to me that this is hurting you all that much to be in contact...


Listen to your gut, stay strong, don't get too emotional with her and lead her by letting her lead herself...

Don't do relationship talk unless she brings it up, when she does be vague...give a little then back away a bit, then give a little more, then back away...let her come to you in her own time...


Micheal makes one good point, not much will probably happen until you two are closer in proximity...how long will that be?

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Well, I just had an interview (didn't go through though) and am still looking really hard for jobs every day. And she appreciates my hard efforts. She said that she sees how hard I'm trying and it means a lot to her. Anways, I will either find a job or will move there for Masters end of fall. Or... maybe she will even move here, so who knows, but I WILL be with her again no matter what.

Can't wait till our vocation together!!!! Only 2 weeks to go!!!!

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