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hi all enotaloners, well i'm just posting really to say, i'm off on a little holiday with my boys, we're taking the boat and driving so it will keep me busy...


really i'm here to say thankyou to all of you for helping me get this far, it's only been 8 weeks since my breakup and what a rollercoaster it's been, but with out you lot i would never of got this far, just 2 weeks ago i wanted to kill myself, how stupid, but now i'm at the acceptance stage, i miss him still, think about him lots, but now i know it's over and i'm moving on as best i can..


i want to say a special thanx to ALAMINA, HERMES, FORMULA and MERCURIAL...


you've really helped me loadssss...i can not thank you guys enough for my PMs, you got me through the my lowest times...


see you all soon.


Take care my friends....loulou.xxxx.

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