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Living Together and Giving me the Key

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Ive been with my partner for 2 months now, and things are going exceptionally well. We were in love after a few weeks. Both of us were not looking for relationship but things just unfolded naturally. I stay at her place almost every night. I tend to move quite slow in a relationship at first but this has just developed this way.


It seems like she wants us to move in together, she makes subtle comments when referring to her condo, nothing direct but stuff like: "Our garden" and "Our Neighbors" and "I like waking up beside you every night"


Yesterday she gave me the key to her condo. Im wondering if im reading into this too much or what?


I own a property which is about to be sold, originally I was going to purchase a condo, but with our current situation staying together doesnt seem unreasonable.


Is it to soon to move in together or is this just how things should progress?


Your thoughts are appreciated!!

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Well if you're really happy with the situation, and you and your partner are both on the same page, then you could give it a go. I'd try not to burn too many bridges in the process at this stage, though, i.e. have a reasonable exit strategy. 2 months is very early in a relationship, and you're still getting to know each other somewhat, and still in the so-called honeymoon phase. By all means try it, but be sensible about it.

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Ive been with my partner for 2 months now,


things are going exceptionally well.


We were in love after a few weeks.


I stay at her place almost every night.


Yesterday she gave me the key to her condo. Im wondering if im reading into this too much or what?


Is it to soon to move in together or is this just how things should progress?




Ok...in the first couple months, people can pretty easily present their best light, you usually haven't met all their friends/family or even seen how they act during every season.


Even though you spend most nights with her, you still have your own space and she still has her own space. Once you move in, it becomes space for the both of you.


Personally, I think it is WAY too soon to live with someone after 2 months, sure, it could work out, but what if it doesn't? How many 2 month relationships end up not lasting? How much more complicated would it be if she was living with you and you decided that it wasn't what you wanted? It might be what you want now but if you wanted to break up with her, you'd just stop calling/seeing her, if she lives with you, you're playing by totally different rules.


If you have to come to a forum to ask if it is going too fast, it likely is, if you wanted to move in with her, you would. If she continues to push for living together etc, just tell her you don't believe in living together before marriage. Did you know 85% of married couples that lived together before getting married end up divorced?


People just don't put in the same effor when living with someone that they do if they're married/living together.


Would you marry her today?

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I agree with russ978....it is way too soon. Making the decision to live with someone is a major one and actually living with someone is even more difficult. You have only been together 2 months which means it is likely that you are both still in the honeymoon stage. If this relationship is a strong one she will be here in 6 months to a year. Maybe do it then. For now, take as much time to continue to get to know eachothers good points as well as your not-so-pretty qualities.

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While generally YOU may move quite slow in relationships, it is very possible that this speed of light is pretty standard for her. Maybe in previous relationships she was also like this..but then what happened...how quickly did she lose interest? How many guys has she had move in with her in the past. I think this is moving way too fast..what's the rush? If you are meant to be together 6 months from now then you will still be together even if you don't move in with her. I have to wonder why she is rushing this.

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While generally YOU may move quite slow in relationships, it is very possible that this speed of light is pretty standard for her. Maybe in previous relationships she was also like this..but then what happened...how quickly did she lose interest? How many guys has she had move in with her in the past. I think this is moving way too fast..what's the rush? If you are meant to be together 6 months from now then you will still be together even if you don't move in with her. I have to wonder why she is rushing this.


Well we have had some pretty in depth conversations in regards to our past relationships, but from our conversations she does not move fast either. I have lived with someone before this and so has she. Her last relationship ended 1 1/2 years ago, when she found out her ex had lied to her. She hasnt actually told me directly she wants me to move in with her, its just a feeling I get, I may be wrong.

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I think it'd be better if you didn't move in with this woman just yet. At two months in, by moving in you'd be forcing the relationship to move at a speed that it isn't ready to handle just yet. Just like a car with a driver who tries to drive faster than he/she can handle; ends up crashing into something eventually or losing control. If it's meant to be, it'll be. You'll get there with good time and experience amongst each other. But don't go balls to the wall just yet until you get to know the car and know what it can and can't handle.

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Spend a couple of days straight together, DURING the week, as a dry run. Reason I say during the week is because then you see how well you interact getting ready for work in the morning, after a long day's work - basically the times when stress is highest. You might find yourself nagging her to get out of the bathroom already because you'll be late for work or arguing over who should make/get dinner because you're too tired, etc. You'll learn quite a bit this way.

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Spend a couple of days straight together, DURING the week, as a dry run. Reason I say during the week is because then you see how well you interact getting ready for work in the morning, after a long day's work - basically the times when stress is highest. You might find yourself nagging her to get out of the bathroom already because you'll be late for work or arguing over who should make/get dinner because you're too tired, etc. You'll learn quite a bit this way.


We've been together 15 days straight now, so far so good.

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