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Booty Call or More

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So take your time, and make sure he takes his time. He should be approaching you in "stages", for lack of a better word-talking to you in school, asking if he can have your number, flirting a bit, calling you on a somewhat regular basis, etc. True test is a date, though. If he asks you out and rushes through the evening only to try to rush at YOU, you know he might not be the one for you.


A "gentleman" doesn't try much on a first date. Hand-holding, telling you he enjoys your company (listen up, guys!!), asking what you like instead of talking about himself most of the time, etc. A kiss at the end of the night is alright, but if he's trying to paw you, you have your answer. No more dates for him!



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Lo Jess,


From a lads perspective (I am 22 by the way so my advice should be near enough to the generation)


If you could be a litttle more specific and tell me what he/you are doing i.e flirting whats been said etc I might be able to tell you what he is aiming for.


no one is the same we all interact/react differently so it would not be rite of me to tell you something based on stereotype, I dont like broken hearts


PM me if you dont want to post details on the forum

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Here's the thing, we have hung out. He doesnt have a car, so one night he invited me over & cooked me dinner (I guess that could be considered a date). He hasnt pushed me at all & all we've done is kiss. We talk on the phone on a pretty regular basis too. The other night he said he doesnt know whats going on with us & he's not sure what he wants.

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It certainly doesn't sound like all he's looking for is "booty" but it can be difficult to tell in the early stages. You've established that he's confused about what he wants, but do you know what you're looking for? Do you wish to start a relationship with this man? If this is the case, I suggest you let him know this and then give him the time he needs to decide whether or not he wants to pursue something. In the meantime there's nothing wrong with communicating with one another (ex: talking on the phone).

Good luck!

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I disagree with the poster who said "ask him if he wants a relationship." You've had one date with him! That is guaranteed to scare him off. I personally think that question should be asked waaaaaay down the road...wait until you get to know the guy. Don't stress so much in the beginning. Enjoy the present, get to know each other, instead of jumping far ahead of the moment and agonizing "where is this going....where is this going..." or else it's guaranteed to go nowhere.

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A Booty Call NEVER becomes a boyfriend......just a fact.


My advise is, if you have already become the booty call, enjoy it for what it is and then move on. If you haven't -- then there is still a chance.

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