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MY ex is seeing someone- I think- I heard! PLEASE HELP ME-

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Hello all…

I am shaking from my toes to my head… I throw up when I heard this… but my ex's best friend called to see how I was doing and told me he's not 100% sure but he heard he's seeing someone else…I feel so SICK…..

God I can't take this… I can't… I want to die… too much pain… it hasn't been a month yet…is this true ! oh god!

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Well who did the breaking up here? how old are you guys? First love or not? How long has it been since you guys have been apart? Need more input from you so we can help you better.


It may be a rebound type thing for him.. not sure you need to give me the details.

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sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. i know how you feel because my ex is dating a guy she met a week after she dumped me (6 weeks ago) there is nothing you can do about it, it sucks but he is moving on with his life and you should do the same. i know you do not want to let him go , but i'm sorry to say that but it looks like you have no choice. i know you can not believe it is happening to you, but it is and the sooner you realize that i think the better. i know how much it hurts and the only thing you can do is to accept it. i know you do not want to hear this but time heals everything.



good luck




if you want to talk just pm me.

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Listen sweetheart, it hurts me to see that your in so much pain but u need to pull yourself together girl!!! He might not have planned to move before his trip but now he has and as difficult as that may be, you cannot put your life on hold because of it.


Furthermore you really shouldn't worry about this "new girl" because after all, you don't even know if it is true. Why put yourself through even more stress when there is a great possibility of her meaning absolutely nothing to him. You said


As far as the first week of July goes, (you mention he's coming to Toronto that week) he may call you. Actually any decent man with half a brain and any sense of logic and compassion should call you just to know how your doing. But if he doesn't just take it as a sign that he no longer wants to see you, nothing more nothing less.


Hope you feel better soon and that everything works out 4 the best.

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Thank you all for your posts....

But here's why I think he won't call... I think he'll be scraed to face me, and he may think that if he sees me he meight change his mind again...so here's my question...do u guys think I should try to see him if he doesn't...I mean should I show up at his door or something... I need my closure,I need to get explanations... and really doubt he'lll try calling me!

It hurts so much....

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First of all you don't know for sure that he is seeing someone. Second: you are broken up ! What can you really do about it ( if it's true) Remember your dignity-- it's somewhere on the floor lying next to your heart. PICK IT UP! Be strong. Do not call him up and do not show up at his front door--these are big NO NO's. You must always keep your composure ( and you are allowed to lose it with your girfriends and with us that's what we are here for). Be the classy lady that you are -remember her?-and if he comes to town and looks you up then you take it from there.


Think about it. You show up at his front door demanding explanations. He will think you are a nutcase, have no respect for you, and probably show you out.Remember you are a lady and a lady respects herself and requires the same of others. Be strong Tristesse.


Much Love

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