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I am heading into work in a few minutes (6am) and I have the worst anxiety. The weekend are always the worst for me. I hate that I can't control this pounding heart and the way all I can hear i can hear is the rushing of my blood. We used to make plans for sat afternoons and sundays because we had time off. I am slowly going insane. It has been 3 weeks and I cannot take it anymore. Why is it that I feel this way and I cant help but think he is doing just fine. I want to scream, kick, cry, throw a tantrum, but I can't. I must make it thruh work. God, help me. I was fine the past few days and now I am drowning.

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I am sorry to hear that texaslove - I'm sure you won't feel like this forever and the feelings willl lessen and it's better to make it thru work than not go - then you'll feel proud of yourself...

I used to always see my ex at the weekends as well and I feel intensely lonely and lost sometimes without him though I broke it off and I do know how hard it is...

Good luck and really hope you are feeling better soon, promise you it will get better if you believe...Eclipse x

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Hey I know how your feeling about 2 years ago I went though a similar experience, but it had slight diffrences, I know the feeling of going to sleep at night with your heart pounding and hoping that you wont wake up in the morning, the anxiety that seems to come regularly thoughout the day.

One of the things is that when we fall out with somone we have really cared about is not wanting to forget them and you want to feel somthing for them, and by being in pain its somthing they have made you feel and you want to hurt to remember them. Your worrying about what somone else is thinking you hope that they think of you and miss you and still care and its somthing that youll never have an answer to.


The problem is that you have to go against your bodies natural urges you have to slow your mind down and distract yourself with somthing other than them, you dont need to forget them you just need to learn how to push the hurt away from your mind. Surround yourself with friends and even though youll not want to smile to start with try its the first step to healing. It took me over a year to get over my broken heart because I didnt let myself heal, so you have to be really stickt with yourself and force yourself to find somthing to make you smile.


sorry that your hurting.

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Hi Texaslove,


I hope you are managing to get through work today okay. Week 3-5 for mwe were worse than week 1-3. I understand that feeling of anxiety and it is no fun.


Things that helped me was not to think past that day (dont think far off, weeks and months). Just think and focus on what you are going to do that day, work, pick up food, go home, watch movie...whatever it is. I dont know why that helped me, I just seemed not to be overwhelmed.


Also, assume he is not doing fine. It is a change for him too. Three weeks in is no time. And if at all possible, everytime you think of him just say, "its not my problem" what he is happy or not happy. It sort of readjusts your frame of mind.


Im starting week 8 of breakup (4yr+live in relationship). Weekends are really hard. I dont like Fri night and Sat night especially. I still cant bring myself to go out and enjoy the nightlife during the weekends yet. Mornings are hard too. Hang in there, week 3 for me was awful Somewhere between week 4-5 the dark cloud lifted. I am not nearly my old self but life seemed more manageable.

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