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she doesn't wanna advance...

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she feels fine with the current situation between me and her. we chatted once in a few days through net. sometimes, i call her. we seldom have the chance to see each other. she is always occupied with her friends - going out. so i don't have the chance to ask her out. i feel think-skinned to volunteer myself to go out with her friends, maybe she have some reasons for not asking me out. so what should i do to advance? i don't wanna remain something like her internet chatting partner. it suxs. to me, it seems like i'm wasting all my love and she is not responding to it or something.

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Ok, give up, move on, if she is interested she will come back to you about it. You can read the post I have linked im my sig, it might give you some idea as to why you should do this but I really think you should. She seems to be driving you crazy and that is not healthy for you.

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