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I am A very shy guy

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I am a 17 year old guy who is very shy. Ive had bad acne problem for about 3 years already and Im to embarrssed to talk to girls because i feel that they think im ugly. I know that this is probably the reason that i am so shy. I want to know if I should try to get girls to like me. Should I try to talk to girls or just wait til girls talk to me so that ill know they might like me?

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i read your post, and you said that you are ugly. nobody is ugly believe me who ever God created has a reason and there is someone out there waiting to met you. if i were you i would go and strat chating with girls believe me one man food is another man`s poison but trying your best not to disassocate your self thinking your ugly were handicaps, people with burnt face and bodies have got girlfriends. my brother getting a gf is not about your looks but is about your personallity if you describe yourself as an ugly guy the girls will see you as an ugly girl. so i would advice you to stand up now and make changes in your life. hope this works


ark angel

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I had the exact same problem, I had acne and I although I had a lot of female friends, I was really shy and would never ask anyone out because I figured they wouldn't want to be with someone like me. Anyway, I met this girl who I was instantly attracted to who just started work where I was, but I didn't act on it because how I felt about myself. It turned out, she had been watching me for a couple of months and I now have the girl of my dreams who thinks I'm a very sexy guy. I now have no need to be confident towards girls now, but it showed me I didn't have to be shy all that time.

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Go on the raw food diet! You will lose all your acne and feel great! I had major acne problems and someone sugguested I try eating only raw foods ( fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds) and so I did. I have been eating this way for about 6 yrs now and feel remarkable and look great!

Check out these sites

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It's not the acne. It's the worrying.


I know a guy with bad acne. Horrendous. Nothing works for him. His face is a battlezone.

He's also one of the most popular guys in his school.





It's because he has confidence. He knows he has bad skin, but he doesn't let that get him down. He starts conversations. He thinks less about himself and more about what's going on. Worrying about yourself sucks. No one likes the quiet loner. Even the hot quiet loner. (you know how girls sometimes go...he's hot but...just so damn weird and "I'd never date him". Yes, that's the quiet guy)

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