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Getting worried about finding work

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It's been close to 4 months since my last temp assignment ended and things are starting to get worrisome as far as finances go. While unemployment is getting me by, it has been psychologically draining that all I can do is pay rent and bills and buy just enough food to survive the week between checks, which is barely half of what I make while working.


I am really concerned that if I don't get a new assignment soon, I may find myself falling behind on my bills. I've tried job sites and found nothing more than scam after scam. I've tried other temp agencies and have found nothing at all.

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  • 2 months later...
I guess another question is. How does one go about networking? it's not like other people in your field hang out in bars. lol


Go to events for people in your industry and talk to anyone and everyone. Try to make personal and professional connections with them. Get back in touch with former coworkers and see if they've heard of any open positions at their office or others in your field.


LinkedIn is also great for networking, if you're not on it already. There are tons of groups for each different field that are often full of thoughtful, helpful people.

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