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Dont know if i should laugh at this or what.

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This is just a random funny story I felt like sharing. So I was on vacation the last few days 150 miles away from home, having a good time with some friends. Sat, we took a walk down a street by our cabin, and encountered a dog just sniffing around... We check the dogs collar and of all things, its named after my ex whom I've been trying to move on from for the past 4 months (just to make it clear, her name is very uncomon). The following day, I find out through the grape vine that she's apparently already in a new relationship. Not 5 min after this info, that same dog comes running up to me with its owner in tow yelling its name... Just seemed like a cosmic slap to the face as I can't escape her even on vacation..

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My ex's ex was Lauren. For the longest time, I couldn't stand that name. It was everywhere. I had guy friends dating Laurens, I had waitresses named Lauren, RAs, professors. EVERYWHERE.


So I finally get over it. How do we split? He leaves me for a new Lauren.


(Come to find out my friend's bf's ex [who is trying to break them up] is named Lauren.)

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