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Hey I want a pet


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What is it about animals that freaks you out? If you're in a room with a small puppy, who's just sitting there not looking at you, are you scared? If that puppy wants to scamper up to you while wagging its tail, are you still scared?

I think its the fact that they are so unpredictable which frightens me a bit. Like they could start attacking me out of nowhere or something. I mean you hear all these stories how even well trained pets sometimes turn on you, and end up mauling people. (That monkey who attacked his owner by gauging her face, the whale who drowned the lady who was feeding him, Dogs who maul toddlers).


No i wouldn't be scared of the puppy if he was far away from me but in the same room, even if it was looking at me. in fact i would find him quite adorable and would want to pat him, but if he started moving in my direction and yelping, i would probably jump up onto a chair or run out of the room, until it went away.

For now, I would stick with plants if I were you. Perhaps even ones that are shaped like friendly animals


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I agree that it would be a good idea to confront your fears of animals. Until you feel more comfortable around them, do not get a pet.

LOL @ that plant.

I suppose i could treat a plant as an animal, a plant requires looking after, feeding too so it would be like having a pet in a little way.


No offense taken! I don't think you're ready for a pet without tackling your fears but honestly, snakes are great pets. I have a corn snake. They are NOT strong enough to hurt you, and of all the snakes they are the friendliest. They are like the Labrador retrievers of the snake world! They're friendly and great for kids or beginners, and they come in some really groovy colors and patterns. They rarely hiss, but all snakes will take their tongue out, it's how they smell. It's not like being "licked" like a puppy or kitten, the tongue isn't wet and slimy.


So, it may assuage your fears if you did some research on pets and how they're really not all that mean or scary. And I've been bitten lots of times (not by my snake, he's never bitten anyone), it's really not all that scary.


But like I said before, I don't think you're ready for a pet (snake or otherwise) and I think it would be a GREAT idea to get some therapy. Definitely research a therapist who deals with phobias/anxiety.


It really shows a lot of maturity on your part to not get a pet when you know you're not ready.


Yeh i never would purposely get a pet if i know deep down im not ready for it, i don't think i can put any animal through being wanted and then abondoned. Would be cruel.

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Domesticated animals rarely attack unprovoked. Monkeys are wild animals. That is just bound to happen.


The whale was trying to play. All of the trainers were specifically told not to get into the water with that one whale. They believed him mentally retarded due to inbreeding. You hear of circus animals 'snapping' but most of them are physically abused. It's easy to see why they lash out.


As for domesticated, un abused dogs...honestly, it's rare. Extremely rare. As rare as a person attacking the person they are talking to out of the blue.

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