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I have been dating this girl for almost two years, we mainly talk over the phone and meet like once a week. I am pretty serious about her and love her with all my heart, the problem is that everytime I mention about a commitment she gets scared. She seems to be confused and I always give her space and try to help her out, but she does not always say what's on her mind. Sometime she would not call me for a week and then other times we talk almost everyday. She says that she always has a good time with me, but then again I feel like I am on a roller coaster ride. I have even asked her if she would like me to leave her alone and she said no, and I don't want to leave her alone cause I am really attached to her and love her. The thing is that this things seems to keep going on and on. Has anyone of you'll faced simialr situation where the girl won't say what on her mind. Should I hang in there, or should I move on?? Please help. Thanks!!

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Im sorry to say brother, but no one can really give you advice on what decision to make. It is one that you will have to make on your own and search in your heart for what you feel is right. Whatever you decide to do I hope it turns out well for you. Good luck.

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This sounds like a case of indecisiveness on both yours and her part. Hey, look on the bright side, there are a lot of guys who have to deal with their girlfriends pressing for huge committments, and in your case, your girl goes with the flow!


None of this means that she isn't interested in something more. Maybe she's just gotten used to how things are between you guys, and doesn't see there being anything wrong with sometimes talking every day, and sometimes going almost a week without a word. To me, going a whole week without talking to my boyfriend would be VERY weird. Heck, lately we have problems if we don't speak on the phone every single day.


You're here asking us whether or not she's worth it. You are the only person who knows the answer to that. In all honesty, it doesn't sound like you share really good communication. That's actually not a terrible thing, and it can improve if both people are willing to make an effort.


The best thing, the next time you talk, would be to casually mention that you would like to spend more time with her. How will you know if she's worth it if you hardly ever see her? It obviously bothers you if you're here asking about it, so make more of an effort to see her!


The problem in most relationships is that often, we wait for the other person to fix the problems. In your case, I think showing some extra love, attention and trying to communicate frequently would be the best, and probably the only way to really feel out if your relationship is meant to be. Good luck!

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i've have the same problem. she doesn't wanna move on, fine with current situation but not me. i don't wanna jus chat three to four times a week. i wanna be closer to her but she dun wan to move on. i've asked her out but she dun wan and rather goes out with her friends almost everyday because it's school holidays now. what should i do? i wanna give up but i still have emotional attachment. on the other hand, if i still wait, i'm not sure if there will be any chance.


sorry for making use of your topic.

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